Aside from all the other obvious absurdities and inadvertent
ironies in this latest anti-Judy diatribe, I'd just like to
remind folks once again that Barry *doesn't read my posts*.

--- In, turquoiseb <no_reply@...> wrote:
> --- In, turquoiseb <no_reply@> wrote:
> >
> > --- In, awoelflebater <no_reply@> wrote:
> > >
> > > --- In, turquoiseb <no_reply@> wrote:
> > > >
> > > > "By what pushes their buttons ye shall know them."
> > >
> > > Yes, button pushing is a good technique for getting to
> > > know people. I find there are much more productive ways
> > > to do this however. Button pushing only shows you the
> > > reactive side of a person. That is never the whole story.
> > 
> > I would say that the "reactive side" is very much
> > the whole story. What you still react to owns and
> > defines you.
> > 
> > "It is only shallow people who do not judge by 
> > appearances. The true mystery of the world is 
> > the visible, not the invisible." - Oscar Wilde
> Ann, I'm going to rap about this for a bit, because
> it's touched on the very thing that keeps me inter-
> ested in this and other spiritual forums. At this
> stage in my life, I find myself not terribly inter-
> ested in the "spirituality" per se. Just not my
> cuppa tea. But the *people* on these forums, and
> the dichotomy between who and what they present 
> themselves to be and who and what I and others 
> perceive them to be, that I find endlessly 
> fascinating.
> With many people on FFL, I find very little difference
> between who they present themselves to be and who I
> perceive them to be. I think Rick and Alex are very
> much what they present themselves to be, as is Curtis.
> With others, I see a BIG difference. The latter I would 
> characterize as lacking in self-knowledge or the ability 
> to honestly self-assess, and so invested in the image
> they are compelled to create that they can't see the
> image they really *are* creating through their actions.
> The provocateur in me sometimes enjoys pointing this 
> dichotomy out.
> I have found over time that the best way to do this
> is NOT to get up on a soapbox and talk, talk, talk
> about the people I feel are hypocritical, and whose
> walk I feel doesn't match their talk. That's Judy's 
> approach, and to some extent was Robin's. They are 
> constantly trying to *sell* their POV to a perceived 
> audience, trying to get this perceived (and often 
> imaginary) audience to *buy* this POV, and agree with
> them. My assessment of both people is that they 
> honestly believe that what they SAY is more important 
> than what they DO. 
> I believe the opposite. After seventeen years of watch-
> ing what Judy DOES, I don't believe a word she SAYS.
> I have never in my life encountered a human being who
> in my opinion has a less accurate view of who and what 
> she is. 
> Now I could point this out the way she does, by talk,
> talk, talking, and trying to *sell* my assessment of
> her to others, but I don't think that's very effective.
> What I prefer to do is to push her buttons and allow
> her to *demonstrate* who and what she is.
> You may remember that recently I pointed out that she
> is somewhat monotopical, in that she is obsessed with
> a number of perceived "enemies" on this forum, and
> can't go for very long (never more than a few days)
> without badrapping one or more of them. I also pointed
> out that IMO one of the reasons for this is that *she
> doesn't have anything else to say*. 
> Compare this assessment to an overview of her posts 
> for the last few months. How many times has she posted
> anything original, or even something that wasn't in
> reaction to someone, used as an opportunity either to
> put them down or to "prove" herself smarter or more
> authoritative, or start an argument with them? I 
> challenge you to watch over the next few weeks to see 
> if she is able to make even a handful of posts that 
> don't fit into this description. Only a few weeks after 
> my post characterizing her act on this forum as chant-
> ing the Judyatri Mantra (bashing Curtis, Vaj, Sal,
> myself and other perceived "enemies"), she's pretty 
> much back to doing this non-stop. 
> I will freely admit to *encouraging* this behavior, by
> posting things that I know from past experience will
> push her buttons and cause her to do it. Why? Because
> I firmly believe that what one SAYS about one's actions
> and one's motivations means NOTHING. Nada. Zip. It's
> just empty words. The *only* thing that matters is 
> what one DOES.
> The fascinating thing is that I've *told* Judy for years
> what it is that I do here, and why I do it. And she 
> keeps falling for the button pushing anyway, over and
> over and over. And IMO every time she does, and lashes
> out angrily in reaction to something that I post (or 
> that Curtis or Vaj or AZ posts), she *demonstrates* what 
> she is, and confirms our past assessments of her or our 
> predictions of what she'll do next. 
> Call me warped, but this amuses me. And amusement is 
> pretty much the only thing I look for in Judy Stein. 
> It's NOT as if one could ever learn anything of value
> from her. She is IMO a parrot; I don't think I've *ever*
> seen an original idea come from her, and don't think I
> ever will. 
> So *absolutely* I push her buttons, and occasionally 
> the buttons of others here who I suspect of being simi-
> larly out of touch with the dichotomy between who they
> present themselves to be and who they are, as demon-
> strated by their own actions. 
> I don't apologize for this. Yes, there are nicer ways 
> to get to know people. But for me those ways are reserved
> for people I'd actually *want* to get to know.

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