> > > 
> > > ---  "John" <jr_esq@> wrote:
> > > >
> > > > IMO, this is where physicists, like Stephen Hawking, are getting 
> > > > confused.  He's written in his latest book that there is no need of a 
> > > > Divine Being to create this universe or any others outside this one.  
> > > > He fails to see that the very act of having a three dimensional 
> > > > universe requires consciousness to support it.  Without consciousness 
> > > > there is NOTHING.

> > ---  "salyavin808" <fintlewoodlewix@> wrote:
> > > 
> > > But why? Why do 3 dimensions need consciousness? they are there
> > > whether we are or a universal type consciousness exists. I'm
> > > sure Hawking considered these points as part of his training.
> > > 
> > >
> > Sal,
> > 

---  "John" <jr_esq@> wrote:
> > 
> > My point is that it takes a knower to conceive of length, width, or height. 
> >  If there was no Knower, the concept of length, width, or height is 
> > meaningless.  IOW, if you are the only knower left in this universe and you 
> > died, the universe will disappear as well.  Why?  Because there is no more 
> > observer, who is capable of conceiving the three dimensions.
> >

---  "salyavin808" <fintlewoodlewix@> wrote:
> The universe as I understand it would disappear for sure, but
> that's just my limited experience and opinions in my head. 
> Thing is there wasn't anyone to perceive the universe before 
> sentient beings evolved so what was it doing before then?

The classical universe is stable and it existed before 
sentient beings evolved.  The first generation stars 
exploded in supernovae and only when the second generation 
stars started igniting, Life could have evolved.

However the quantum universe behaves differently.  Particles 
are non-localised unless they are observed.

But even this problem is sorted out when Time is given an 
extra dimension.  If linear time is like equator, the second 
temporal dimension is like a longitude.

Two temporal dimensions and nine spatial dimensions 
completely eliminate the Heisenberg's uncertainity 

The hazy and fuzzy quantum world suddenly becomes neat, 
clean and tidy.  I personaly believe there might be three 
temporal dimensions.

If hidden spatial dimensions act as ocean waves that "moves" 
particles along, even the wave-particle duality gets 

Issac Newton might eventually have the last laugh.

Our universe might be a 3-dimensional brane, among a 
multitude of branes.  But there has to be an "Observer" 
outside the universe to give it stability and prevent the 
reality from collapsing.

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