--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj <vajradhatu@...> wrote:
> On May 22, 2012, at 2:05 AM, shainm307 wrote:
> > Look at all the positives behind TM and what it has done for the  
> > world, yet people will try to tear it down for no apparent reason.
> Uh, maybe because of the faked and dubious marketing research, TM  
> psychosis, the negative side effects, the lack of convincing  
> physiological evidence beyond relaxation, molesting of young women by  

Try to do your research and see all (from what I've seen) people's negative 
research saying it's just relaxing or the negatives to are are full of shit. 
They don't do their research, their out to fuck it. I agree that Maharishi and 
some people are probally negative in life and do negative things but If you're 
trying your best to be positive and honest in your nature then I'm sure these 
things wouldn't happen. Probally a build up of stress (go figure).

> aging monks, etc., etc.? Which is negative, the ones having people  
> meditate till the point of mental illness or the ones pointing it out?

Since millions of people practice the technique I can hardly see why it would 
hurt people as there are (once again, from what I've seen and read about, 
you're not the only skeptic) very rare cases of these people. However, this 
should be studies more; why are people getting hurt?

> Actually you come across like a cult zombie, so maybe you're the  
> negative one, you're just so deluded you cannot see it? Why on earth  
> would anyone want to support the meditation technique responsible for  
> more deaths, suicides, psychotic breaks than any other meditation  
> technique in human history and a patriarchal org loosely based on the  
> caste system?

Intersting I'll look into it. My guess is people are taught that it's not okay 
to be negative, and that alone is stressfull as you're not getting rid of 
you're negativity. As I learned in physcology, there are two fundemental 
motivators in life: agressiveness and sex. Maybe repressing this to the expreme 
is bad. That's my guess. I'll definately look into that more and ask the PHDs 
around campus what they know about that (pun intended).

> Perhaps you're right and TM should be banned from human nervous  
> systems...

I don't think so as it helped me out, truly. With me being content all the 
time, which sometimes get a little non-emotional. Maybe those Kundalini and 
chakras mattered after all!

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