We'll off the top of my head this is what I do. I help my parents a lot as they 
are getting older and I keep good humor around them and try as hard as I can to 
help them in anyway I can. Also I try to heal people, although indirectly as 
I'm way too shy to truly get in there and truly help, by a healing technique I 
learned from The Reconnection book I read(read it if you can as there is a lot 
of evidence supporting it. There's stuff about the guy also if you want to read 
about it). Also I donated which seemed to me a lot of money to a charity of 
animals although I didn't have all the money in the world to donate to them. 
Although I don't do that much in life but try to be the best I can be, I'm way 
too shy and afraid I might hurt people if I truly try to help out. Every time I 
try to do something big life tells me not to do it. This is of course all the 
TM stuff I learned as it seemed to me to be the biggest thing ever. Although I 
make mistakes because I was afraid to hurt people and their religions. Also I'm 
afraid I might do something wrong to the movement as the David Lynch Foundation 
told me not to give the TM technique to the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation 
as I might present it wrong, although I would do it just like John Hagelin or 
Fred Travis would as I would get most it it from their presentations and then 
give what I think the skeptics would agree on. Even though that's positive now 
I can see why they might overblow all of it as it helps a lot of people 
including me, as it changed my life for the better as it got rid of my anxiety 
and made me a bit more social. I realized now that all I want to do is help 
people and by screwing them there's no way I can help them. So I guess in order 
to help I need more confidence in myself and try my hardest to help the people 
that need help rather than just fuck them. I'm way too scared to get hurt for 
some reason as getting out of my cage is way too hard for me and TM is teaching 
me and training me to get out of my cage and to do it right!

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb <no_reply@...> wrote:
> Shain, I hereby invite you to list for us the things you
> have actually DONE to help the world in the last year.
> Hints: Meditating doesn't count. Bouncing on your butt
> in a dome doesn't count. Believing in channelers and
> beings talking to you in real time (and in English) from
> 440 light years away doesn't count. Believing in walking
> on water doesn't count. None of these things actually DO
> anything for other people. They're things you dwell on
> because they make you feel more elite and "special."
> What I'm after is a list of the ACTIONS you have engaged
> in that DIRECTLY benefit other human beings, in a way 
> that anyone, anywhere would recognize these actions and 
> agree that they actually DID SOMETHING for someone,
> and weren't just a way to puff up your ego.
> For example, assuming that you work for a living, how much 
> of your income did you contribute to those in need last 
> year? How many hours did you work at an organization that 
> provides help to the needy? How many of the Occupy marches 
> did you attend? These are examples of DOING SOMETHING,
> since you seem to be a but fuzzy on the concept.
> I'm asking this because I get a strong feeling from the
> way you write and the things you focus on that you won't
> be able to come up with a single item for your I DID THIS
> list. You'll be able to come up with a lot of "I take 
> credit for this trend I see as positive because I thought
> about it a couple of times," and you'll probably be able
> to come up with a few "I did good for the world because 
> my all-powerful Woo Woo was added to the sum of all-
> powerful Woo Woo on the planet, and thus created magic. 
> The people on this forum aren't trying to "fuck with" 
> the silly things you believe; they're just trying to point
> out that in the absence of any objective proof they're silly. 
> You don't want to hear that. You want people to praise you 
> and think that you're all "special" because you believe in 
> silly things. 
> And interestingly enough, you'll probably find a few of them
> here, and even more in Fairfield. Here on Fairfield Life,
> you are going to occasionally run into people who tell you
> the truth -- that, according to a consensus among people
> generally considered to be sane and rational in the world,
> you're not. You believe things that most consider silly. 
> You're free to believe these silly things all you want, but
> don't expect us not to point out that they're silly.
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "shainm307" <shainm307@> wrote:
> >
> > What I've found in this reading is there are two types of people in the 
> > world:the people who try to help the world and the people who try to fuck 
> > the world. However some of you are positive in your motives for standing up 
> > for what is apparently and obviously right. I mean I try to stand up for 
> > what is right for the world because it is the best thing I can possibly do 
> > for people. However no matter how much evidence there is behind a topic 
> > people will deliberately try to fuck it just for a negative reason because 
> > the world possibly couldn't exist with something completely positive in it. 
> > It has to be wrong or negative to be right. I highly doubt this is the case 
> > in the world. Look at all the positives behind TM and what it has done for 
> > the world, yet people will try to tear it down for no apparent reason. Why? 
> > If everyone got together and tried to figure out what is good with it, it 
> > wouldn't work because some people would just be way too negative to ever 
> > believe it. If the negative people are out to fuck things what are they out 
> > to fuck? A small distortion in the knowledge? I imagine the best thing for 
> > us all to do is "give in" to positivity. I mean what is better than TM? 
> > Nothing in my mind. We have to do something right, not just tear it all 
> > down. If you want to tear this down, why? What is better than TM? 
> > Personally I think people are trying to find that one thing that exists in 
> > reality: the nonexstience, as I think technically everything is not right 
> > with the world. Do you want to find the small things that are wrong with 
> > it, or do you want to find the things that are right with it?

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