--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Robert" <babajii_99@...> wrote: > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, wgm4u <no_reply@> wrote: <snip> > > Welcome to black market heath care (for those who can afford it), providing > > it's not overturned; can you imagine people actually being thrown in jail > > for violating Obama's health care mandate? (Like getting health care under > > the table, you naughty boy!!) > > > > Folks.....it's no longer insurance! It's socialized medicine! > > > You are an ignorant asshole...you make statements you heard on right-wing > talk radio, that are false, untrue and just plain Bullshit... > > There is no penalty for not paying the 'Health Care Benefit'..
Yes, Robert, there is, above certain income levels. But it's not much; it's less than the cost of the insurance, and there *certainly* is no threat of jail for not paying it.