Democrats with character are as rare as hens teeth...;-) 

--- In, "raunchydog" <raunchydog@...> wrote:
> Democrats shouldn't be too quick to pat themselves on the back and genuflect 
> to Justice Roberts for helping Obama claim success for an expensive, 
> inadequate bill that burdens average Americans with private sector insurance 
> premiums at a premium or slap them with a tax when they don't pay it, before 
> they take a look at the full import of Roberts' decision. 
> At first, Cynical Me thought Justice Roberts sided with the majority to hand 
> Republicans the talking point that Obamacare is a TAX but it's worse than 
> that, much worse.
> "The problem for progressives with Roberts' finding that there is no basis in 
> the Commerce Clause, or Necessary and Proper Clause, is that this legal 
> viewpoint—on top of the four other right-wing justices who said they would 
> have thrown out the ACA as congressional overreach—suggests that in the 
> future there could be a Supreme Court majority that would invalidate other 
> laws regulating the national economy— such as a carbon tax to combat climate 
> change, or new national energy strategy.  
> These so-called constitutional "originalists" seem intent on not just 
> upholding their extremely pro-business vision of how Congress should address 
> national issues—by providing more customers for the private sector—but they 
> seem intent on taking the country back in time to before the Constitution was 
> even written...
> Not only is the Roberts' ruling entirely pro-business, by sending tens of 
> millions of new customers to insurers while limiting state expansion of 
> public care, it is based on a right-wing vision of a shrunken Constitution 
> and diminished congressional powers."
> --- In, "raunchydog" <raunchydog@> wrote:
> >
> > 
> > 
> > --- In, "authfriend" <jstein@> wrote:
> > >
> > > --- In, "Robert" <babajii_99@> wrote:
> > > > 
> > > > --- In, wgm4u <no_reply@> wrote:
> > > <snip>
> > > > > Welcome to black market heath care (for those who can afford it), 
> > > > > providing it's not overturned; can you imagine people actually being 
> > > > > thrown in jail for violating Obama's health care mandate? (Like 
> > > > > getting health care under the table, you naughty boy!!)
> > > > > 
> > > > >'s no longer insurance!  It's socialized medicine!
> > > > >
> > > > You are an ignorant make statements you heard on 
> > > > right-wing talk radio, that are false, untrue and just plain Bullshit...
> > > > 
> > > > There is no penalty for not paying the 'Health Care Benefit'..
> > > 
> > > Yes, Robert, there is, above certain income levels.
> > > But it's not much; it's less than the cost of the
> > > insurance, and there *certainly* is no threat of
> > > jail for not paying it.
> > >
> > 
> > It's true. The government will enforce the mandate with a penalty tax 
> > according to ability to pay. No one will go to jail or go broke. Justice 
> > Roberts argued ACA is constitutional based on the government's ability to 
> > levy taxes. 
> > 
> > It was a jaw dropping decision that surprised the hell out of me. Call me 
> > cynical, but I believe it's possible Roberts is a ringer who intentionally 
> > handed the Republicans an excuse to whip up fear and frothing that Evil 
> > Obamacare is a TAX. He framed his decision around the power of Congress to 
> > levy taxes, which serves to confirm what the Fox Propaganda Lie Machine has 
> > been saying for 3 years: "Obama is a tax and spend guy." 
> > 
> > In fact Obama *lowered* taxes, but you never hear very much about this in 
> > the media, do you? The stimulus was mostly tax cuts, the payroll tax 
> > holiday (designed to undermine Social Security) was certainly a tax cut and 
> > the Democrats' stupid refusal to let the Bush tax cuts expire was a huge 
> > tax cut for the wealthy. 
> > 
> > Republicans, the stupid Borg they have become, will swear on their mother's 
> > grave that Obama RAISED taxes and Omamacare is yet another TAX. If the 
> > Democrats can't figure out how to counter FOX LIES and explain that the 
> > mandate is the ONLY part of ACA that involves a tax penalty, and that Obama 
> > actually LOWERED taxes, we are totally screwed as a county.
> >

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