On 07/07/2012 04:36 PM, emptybill wrote:
> ---  iranitea <no_reply@...> wrote:
>>>        There are 112 ways of transcending ...
>> --- emptybill@ wrote:
>>>         Who transcends what?
> ---  iranitea <no_reply@...> wrote:
>>>         Always a good question.
> In fact this is THE question  for anyone doing TM
> or Sahaj  meditation and any type of yoga or tantra.

You're transcending your "everyday" state of consciousness.   Until your 
"everyday" state of consciousness resembles your transcendental 
experience but with activity overlaid which is called "witnessing." And 
in that state you still have full focus over there relative or you would 
be in a state that would not be very desirable at all but some "space 
case". ;-)

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