It's very easy to "conflate" the question in these matters.  The proof 
is in the pudding. :-D

On 07/07/2012 05:49 PM, emptybill wrote:
> And "You" and "Your" are the "who" of the question?
> And consciousness is something else?
> --- In, Bhairitu <noozguru@...> wrote:
>> On 07/07/2012 04:36 PM, emptybill wrote:
>>> ---  iranitea no_reply@ wrote:
>>>>>         There are 112 ways of transcending ...
>>>> --- emptybill@ wrote:
>>>>>          Who transcends what?
>>> ---  iranitea no_reply@ wrote:
>>>>>          Always a good question.
>>> In fact this is THE question  for anyone doing TM
>>> or Sahaj  meditation and any type of yoga or tantra.
>> You're transcending your "everyday" state of consciousness.   Until
> your
>> "everyday" state of consciousness resembles your transcendental
>> experience but with activity overlaid which is called "witnessing."
> And
>> in that state you still have full focus over there relative or you
> would
>> be in a state that would not be very desirable at all but some "space
>> case". ;-)

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