--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Mike Dixon <mdixon.6569@...> wrote:
> L, the reason I believe so many people are *fat*, poor included, is mainly 
> ignorance. Ignorance of the caloric value of what they eat, as well as the 
> nutritional value. <Before I had gastric bypass surgery, I never realized how 
> much I ate nor paid any attention to nutritional values. I thought I was 
> pretty much in line with what other people ate... and I was! I just ate a 
> little more and I also had an extreme aversion to exercise. Before my 
> surgery, I had to take a class in which I was encouraged to read food labels, 
> keep a food diary and in essence learn what was an appropriate portion size. 
> < People also over eat due to emotional problems or out of boredom. When my 
> dad died, I was nine years old and can remember at the wake, I was so upset 
> that everybody kept telling me to have something to eat and that I would feel 
> better. Isn't it recommended in Ayurveda not to eat when you're 
> upset?Eventually, somebody thrust a plate of food in my hands and I took a
>  bite. The taste, the chewing and swallowing, took my mind off of the pain 
> and thus began my weight problem. By the time I was ten, I started getting 
> the fat comments which only caused more pain and more eating. < I don't 
> believe eating high quality food is out of the economic  range of most poor 
> people, it's just not convenient. You have to go to the store , buy it, take 
> it home, prepare it, cook it and clean up after. Instead, running down to the 
> pizzeria or going for burgers and fries or fried chicken, chinese buffet, is 
> fast, cheap (not cheaper), instantly gratifying, no work and has a lot more 
> flavor than... broccoli and broiled chicken.< Let's face it, dieting is a 
> bitch and eating is enjoyable! Nobody likes to be on a restrictive diet to 
> lose weight and my personal experience tells me  that once you have a weight 
> problem, you have it for life.< Bypass was my ticket out of hell. I can eat 
> anything I want but it's very hard to over- eat if your
>  stuffed after eating child's portions. There was also the effect of behavior 
> modification after the surgery. Heavy, greasy, high fat foods  and very 
> sweet foods were very hard to digest at first and made me nauseous, which  
> then caused me to develop an aversion for them. I know it's an expensive 
> procedure and it's not for everybody and I have seen it fail in other people. 
> Most insurance companies consider it *cosmetic* surgery. It's not, it can 
> save your life by greatly reducing co-morbidities. The kicker is, you really 
> do need cosmetic surgery AFTER you've lost the weight! That lose flabby skin 
> doesn't shrink all the way back. By the way, I've noticed that Medicaid is 
> paying for both surgeries, bypass and skin removal, in some cases. Ignorance 
> can be very expensive.

Right on Dix-You hit the nail on the head! Good for you for *taking 
responsibility* for your own behavior!!  God Bless....

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