BTW, I have to congratulate Michelle Obama for her efforts to teach kids how 
and what to eat and to move. Kids need to be taught this early because many 
parents are ignorant and leading their kids down a road of misery. I have found 
good wholesome food and lots of exercise to be very healing. An ounce of 
prevention is worth a pound of cure.

 From: Mike Dixon <>
To: "" <> 
Sent: Wednesday, July 11, 2012 2:32 PM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: The Obamacare disaster (take the penality, 
it's cheaper).

L, the reason I believe so many people are *fat*, poor included, is mainly 
ignorance. Ignorance of the caloric value of what they eat, as well as the 
nutritional value. <Before I had gastric bypass surgery, I never realized how 
much I ate nor paid any attention to nutritional values. I thought I was pretty 
much in line with what other people ate... and I was! I just ate a little more 
and I also had an extreme aversion to exercise. Before my surgery, I had to 
take a class in which I was encouraged to read food labels, keep a food diary 
and in essence learn what was an appropriate portion size. < People also over 
eat due to emotional problems or out of boredom. When my dad died, I was nine 
years old and can remember at the wake, I was so upset that everybody kept 
telling me to have something to eat and that I would feel better. Isn't it 
recommended in Ayurveda not to eat when you're upset?Eventually, somebody 
thrust a plate of food in my hands and I took a
 bite. The taste, the chewing and swallowing, took my mind off of the pain and 
thus began my weight problem. By the time I was ten, I started getting the fat 
comments which only caused more pain and more eating. < I don't believe eating 
high quality food is out of the economic  range of most poor people, it's just 
not convenient. You have to go to the store , buy it, take it home, prepare it, 
cook it and clean up after. Instead, running down to the pizzeria or going for 
burgers and fries or fried chicken, chinese buffet, is fast, cheap (not 
cheaper), instantly gratifying, no work and has a lot more flavor than... 
broccoli and broiled chicken.< Let's face it, dieting is a bitch and eating is 
enjoyable! Nobody likes to be on a restrictive diet to lose weight and my 
personal experience tells me  that once you have a weight problem, you have it 
for life.< Bypass was my ticket out of hell. I can eat anything I want but it's 
very hard to over- eat if your
 stuffed after eating child's portions. There was also the effect of behavior 
modification after the surgery. Heavy, greasy, high fat foods  and very sweet 
foods were very hard to digest at first and made me nauseous, which  then 
caused me to develop an aversion for them. I know it's an expensive procedure 
and it's not for everybody and I have seen it fail in other people. Most 
insurance companies consider it *cosmetic* surgery. It's not, it can save your 
life by greatly reducing co-morbidities. The kicker is, you really do need 
cosmetic surgery AFTER you've lost the weight! That lose flabby skin doesn't 
shrink all the way back. By the way, I've noticed that Medicaid is paying for 
both surgeries, bypass and skin removal, in some cases. Ignorance can be very 

 From: sparaig <>
Sent: Wednesday, July 11, 2012 11:49 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: The Obamacare disaster (take the penality, it's 


--- In, wgm4u <no_reply@...> wrote:
> --- In, "authfriend" <jstein@> wrote:
> >
> > --- In, wgm4u <no_reply@> wrote:
> > >
> > > You silly liberals on this website probably think professional
> > > athletes should take a pay cut too, just to make stadium
> > > seating more affordable.
> > 
> > Right, BillyG, because it's just as important to be able
> > to attend pro ball games as it is to be able to see your
> > doctor.
> Everybody ALREADY has access to medical care in this country. OH, and why are 
> 'poor' people fat?

I just had an eye infection. Because of my financial situation I can't go to a 
regular doctor because he/she demands money up front. Instead, I had to go to 
the ER. Even after the 50% discount the hospital gives to people with no 
insurance, I currently owe over $300 for that one visit. A regular doctor would 
have cost 1/2 that amount.

Oh, and in case you're wondering how I can afford internet access..

11 months ago, I had a little cash. I also had a creditor threatening to put a 
lien on my property and confiscate the contents of my bank account, so I paid 
my ISP $1000 to keep my internet access/telephone service going for a year. I 
could have possibly gotten part of my money back from my ISP, but I wouldn't 
have the internet access to tell you my  sad story or to try to look for work.

And there are many reasons why poor people are fat, including eating unhealthy 
food because it is cheaper than healthy food, depression that leads to 
overweight issues and inability to keep to a regular exercise schedule, which 
in turn leads to diabetes, which can make things worse, including, eventually 
loss of your feet so you can't exercise or work anyway.

L (who is about 140 pounds overweight with a BMI of 50).



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