On Jul 18, 2012, at 12:55 PM, sparaig wrote:

The point of TM isn't to transcend.

THe point of TM is to transcend and then to NOT-transcend.

Again, you show a fundamental lack of understanding.

So then why are you emphasizing the "NOT-transcend" part? If you're lost in distraction, you're missing half of your own equation!

I would venture to guess the reason that it was never called Transcendental and Not Transcendental Meditation was because the latter part of your equation happens automatically but is then "repaired" (by the properly practicing TMer), no?

I can also see from your description that you've probably not been very successful with TM.

The actual point of TM is to transcend ALL THE TIME - and thereby develop the alleged "higher" states of consciousness. If the purpose of TM was actually to transcend and NOT transcend, one could never reach to desired end, Cosmic Consciousness! In your model the "state" never becomes a "stage".

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