--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend" <jstein@...> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj <vajradhatu@> wrote:
>> On Jul 18, 2012, at 10:38 PM, sparaig wrote:
>>>> The actual point of TM is to transcend ALL THE TIME - and 
>>>> thereby develop the alleged "higher" states of
>>>> consciousness. If the purpose of TM was actually to
>>>> transcend and NOT transcend, one could never reach to
>>>> desired end, Cosmic Consciousness! In your model the  
>>>> "state" never becomes a "stage".
>>> /me sighs.
>>> Post bookmarked for future reference next time Vaj claims to  
>>> understand TM.
>> Of course to refute this you'd have to ignore the numerous
>> statements of MMY where he describes the transition to
>> "nitya-samadhi"- which really is the classical "state
>> becoming a stage" thang.
> (Bookmark this followup too, Lawson, it's confirmatory of
> Vaj's lack of understanding.)
> No, Vaj, one would not need to ignore MMY's statements to
> this effect. *You* need to ignore MMY's explanation of
> how, as Lawson puts it, transcending and not-transcending
> via TM facilitates the transition to "nitya-samadhi," in
> order to hold to your misunderstanding.

I would have to agree that Vaj's understanding of TM seems rather peculiar. As 
one grows by whatever method, and that method actually works, one's  
understanding of what something is 'for' might change over time as experience 
'deepens'. My understanding of TM has changed a lot. When I learned TM, I had 
already had some kind of experiences, so my understanding of TM at that point 
was it was for enlightenment. I do not think I really listened much to the 
initiators' spiel in the introductory and follow up lecture. My experience 
about what TM does might be summarised as follows (this covers almost 5 

1.  Never heard of TM.
2.  TM is for enlightenment. (Heard about it)
3.  TM isn't working right. (First few days of instruction)
4.  TM goes deep inside (Transcending)
4.  TM develops inner silence.
5.  I am inner silence.
6.  Where did the inner silence go?
7.  Seems like I am back on square one. 
    Nothing seems to work.
8.  There is something kinda like transcending, 
    but its not me, and its mysterious.
9.  I just don't care anymore. Nothing seems to work.
10. Ah, it was all a dream, there really is no such 
    thing as transcending! Now I really am back 
    on square one.

So now after all this time, I have some idea of what TM is supposed to be for, 
and does, but can I really explain it, say from my own perspective? Probably 
never completely, and I might easily be misunderstood. If Maharishi were in 
unity, and those listening not, misunderstanding would be the rule. Who in the 
TMO now, understood Maharishi? How would we know?

There is also the question of how well, when one is in some other tradition, 
one can evaluate another tradition. Vaj never acts as if he really knew about 
TM except in passing, and he evaluates it from the perspective of another 
system. He sometimes mentions a 'linear tradition' to which he sometimes 
compares TM as being some kind of a bastard tradition. As far as I can see, all 
traditions have plenty of deviations in them, nothing ever stays 'pure' in a 
world that is constantly disintegrating itself. Ever wonder why masters never 
seem to hang out with each other much, comparing notes?

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