On Jul 18, 2012, at 5:36 PM, cardemaister wrote:

> > How 'bout "Lawson's Transcendental Meditation"? Outward Stroke 
> > Meditation? ;-)
> >
> Perhaps I misunderstand what you're trying to say, but
> that sounds as stupid as claiming that if you're not
> all the time during the night in deep sleep, you're not sleeping!?

Lawson believes that being caught in thoughts - even for hours (days?) at a 
time, lost in the outward stroke is still considered “doing TM”. He’s 
rationalized that even quitting TM is in effect just being on the outward 
stroke, and eventually picking it up again, is just the other half of this 
magical cycle that is The Miracle of starting TM. 

Of course, in response to me saying “doing TM”, Lawson would be automatically 
be required to respond “you can’t “do” TM, the doing in TM is "not doing”. He 
might even throw in the eff.. word.

Nitya-samadhi, as mentioned in MMY’s commentary on a third of the gita is what 
I refer to. Temporary samadhi becomes perpetual samadhi. It starts out as a 
small gap, and the more it’s experienced, the more it spreads. So, therefore, 
more transcendence is a good thing. More outward strokiness? Not berry gut.

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