--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu <noozguru@...> wrote:
> FYI, the pictures Turq posted could probably be seen on 
> billboards and city buses.  

More to the point, they're among the images of their
"TMer heroines" that they would find if they just 
searched Google Images for their names. That's what 
I did; that's where these photos came from. 

I'm just fuckin' tired of Buck's act, when it swings
prudish and Fundamentalist and nasty, as it just did.
Buck has a tendency to dream up things that push *his*
buttons, and then pretend that they push a lot of
other people's buttons in Fairfield, the never-named,
almost-certainly-imaginary people he "interviews." 
I'm calling bullshit.

I think -- whether or not he believes that his Buck
act is an act or not -- it reveals a great deal about
buck and *HIS* samskaras, *HIS* hangups. I don't think
that there are either "MSAE children" or children of
any other stripe reading this forum, and if there were
I give them far more credit than Buck does. They've
seen, dealt with, and handled (as Bhairitu says) images 
of these TM heroines themselves, and almost certainly
*they weren't affronted by them*. 

Unlike Buck, they probably grew up comfortable with
sexuality -- their own, and other people's -- and 
don't feel threatened by it. 

> The link to "Boogie Nights" was for the trailer not the 
> movie itself and could be shown on broadcast TV.  Don't 
> be such a prude. 

And don't be such a solipsist as to believe that you
have the RIGHT to enforce your prudery on others. We
get it -- you're not comfortable with this century. You
prefer to imagine "spiritual" as having to do with 
communes full of women in granny dresses, among the
past cults you revere. Free Clue: all those people are
dead, and so are (with only a few exceptions) the so-
called spiritual lineages they hoped to found. 

One of the reasons these movements died a much-deserved
death is that they took it upon themselves, as believers,
to tell their neighbors, the unbelievers, how they should
live their lives. And now they're all dead, and so are
the movements they thought were so holy, and so immortal.
Their neighbors forgot them, and so should we.

Meanwhile human sexuality lives on, and refuses to hide
its head in shame because people like Buck think it should.

Protect the innocent "MSAE children" from images they 
could see -- and should be able to see -- on their computers
or on TV or elsewhere any day of the week? Get real.

The people who we should be concerned about protecting
these children from are people like Buck. They could 
grow up to be like him.

> On 07/30/2012 11:30 AM, Buck wrote:
> > Friends; we should think of the children here, the 
> > MSAE children who may be reading this site.  These 
> > fellows who posts this stuff seem to have no filters 
> > what so ever.  Right now the adult decision needs to 
> > be taken by our moderators to remove these guys for 
> > the spiritual safety of our children and the well-
> > being of a larger community here.
> > With the best of concern and regards for all,
> > -Buck in FF

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