--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb <no_reply@...> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu <noozguru@> wrote:
> >
> > FYI, the pictures Turq posted could probably be seen on 
> > billboards and city buses.  
> More to the point, they're among the images of their
> "TMer heroines" that they would find if they just 
> searched Google Images for their names. That's what 
> I did; that's where these photos came from. 
> I'm just fuckin' tired of Buck's act, when it swings
> prudish and Fundamentalist and nasty, as it just did.
> Buck has a tendency to dream up things that push *his*
> buttons, and then pretend that they push a lot of
> other people's buttons in Fairfield, the never-named,
> almost-certainly-imaginary people he "interviews." 
> I'm calling bullshit.

Well Buck got you going here too Barry, buttons and all. I find it a little 
unlikely you are quite as offended as you are making it sound however, all 
sound and fury and all of that...
> I think -- whether or not he believes that his Buck
> act is an act or not -- it reveals a great deal about
> buck and *HIS* samskaras, *HIS* hangups. I don't think
> that there are either "MSAE children" or children of
> any other stripe reading this forum, and if there were
> I give them far more credit than Buck does. They've
> seen, dealt with, and handled (as Bhairitu says) images 
> of these TM heroines themselves, and almost certainly
> *they weren't affronted by them*.

I am sure you are correct Barry. But you know what, we all know and realize 
this, you can stop beating that dead horse now. Your outrage seems feigned. 
> Unlike Buck, they probably grew up comfortable with
> sexuality -- their own, and other people's -- and 
> don't feel threatened by it.

Pretty big generalization here. 
> > The link to "Boogie Nights" was for the trailer not the 
> > movie itself and could be shown on broadcast TV.  Don't 
> > be such a prude. 
> And don't be such a solipsist as to believe that you
> have the RIGHT to enforce your prudery on others. We
> get it -- you're not comfortable with this century. You
> prefer to imagine "spiritual" as having to do with 
> communes full of women in granny dresses, among the
> past cults you revere. Free Clue: all those people are
> dead, and so are (with only a few exceptions) the so-
> called spiritual lineages they hoped to found. 

Now you're on a roll. Fun isn't it?
> One of the reasons these movements died a much-deserved
> death is that they took it upon themselves, as believers,
> to tell their neighbors, the unbelievers, how they should
> live their lives. And now they're all dead, and so are
> the movements they thought were so holy, and so immortal.
> Their neighbors forgot them, and so should we.

What movements? Who as believers? What neighbors? When did they die? Who died? 
Who's on first?
> Meanwhile human sexuality lives on, and refuses to hide
> its head in shame because people like Buck think it should.

What does sexuality's head look like by the way?
> Protect the innocent "MSAE children" from images they 
> could see -- and should be able to see -- on their computers
> or on TV or elsewhere any day of the week? Get real.

Good point.
> The people who we should be concerned about protecting
> these children from are people like Buck. They could 
> grow up to be like him.

Oh nasty, Barry, low blow. That Buck, he may be a bit prudish but on the plus 
side he doesn't post pictures of true believers in granny dresses and 
> > On 07/30/2012 11:30 AM, Buck wrote:
> > > Friends; we should think of the children here, the 
> > > MSAE children who may be reading this site.  These 
> > > fellows who posts this stuff seem to have no filters 
> > > what so ever.  Right now the adult decision needs to 
> > > be taken by our moderators to remove these guys for 
> > > the spiritual safety of our children and the well-
> > > being of a larger community here.
> > > With the best of concern and regards for all,
> > > -Buck in FF

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