On Aug 2, 2012, at 4:14 AM, turquoiseb wrote:

As I suggested earlier, I'm stayin' out of this one. :-)
All I did was forward a music video, under the same
Subject title that the person who sent it to me in
email did.

FFL personalities aside, I thought it was a perfect
"soundtrack" to the "groupie metaphor" I've been
proposing lately to describe common behavior in
spiritual groups.

And that's a given. One expects it.

But what one doesn't expect is a cult leader, who leaves Neo-Vedism and joins...the Catholic church...only to later re-target his old audience...as they're probably the only ones interested in listening....via email.

Let's keep in mind, if this person were to set foot in Jefferson County, he'd be thrown into jail, no? So if you can't go to Fairfield you use email to get to your audience. I mean that has to be a first in and of itself: Fairfield guru using email lists to gain that lost adulation!

Robin, by the grace of god, will you please manifest...atonement? TIA. :-)

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