So Vaj moved from the unpleasant pedophile analogy to a quite different 
accusation of criminality, all within a few hours! My, oh, my, some people's 
hatred runs so deep it knows no bounds of decorum or decency. 

I have never had the impression that Robin is "targeting" anyone. He is working 
out some ideas and exchanging them with people who are willing to debate or 
simply chat with him. That's really the purpose of this forum, is it not? 

I like Robin. I think he is a good guy. 


--- In, "authfriend" <jstein@...> wrote:
> --- In, Vaj <vajradhatu@> wrote:
> <snip>
> > But what one doesn't expect is a cult leader, who leaves Neo-Vedism  
> > and joins...the Catholic church...only to later re-target his old  
> > they're probably the only ones interested in  
> > listening....via email.
> > 
> > Let's keep in mind, if this person were to set foot in Jefferson  
> > County, he'd be thrown into jail, no? So if you can't go to 
> > Fairfield you use email to get to your audience. I mean that has
> > to be a first in and of itself: Fairfield guru using email lists
> > to gain that lost adulation!
> This is bullshit, deliberate, vicious, thoroughly malicious
> bullshit. It's not meant as a joke, it's meant to do harm.
> Vaj is the kind of person who gets his kicks out of harming
> people.

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