So, it's all about Robin and Judy.

> Wow. Take a night off from Fairfield Life and it
> goes officially Bat Shit Crazy. I think that the
> bottom line on all this insanity should be given
> to the two people causing most of it:
> Please forgive me, Curtis, and everyone. I was just 
> having a bad night, after realizing the truth about
> myself, that I am nothing more than a minor cult 
> wannabee who spent a few years in a minor wannabee 
> cult. And that I finally became so narcissistic and
> so deluded in that cult that I began to imagine that 
> I had the moxie to start my own cult. I failed 
> miserably at that, and was laughed out of town, and
> now I'm nothing. In the history of spirituality in 
> North America, I don't even deserve a footnote; I 
> was that minor and that passing a fad. Realizing
> all this just got me down, that's all, so I made
> up some shit about you. Sorry.
> - Robin W. Carlsen
> Please forgive me, Curtis, and everyone. I'm a 
> bat shit crazy old woman with nothing going on in
> my life and it really, really, really gets my panties
> in a twist to see anyone liking or supporting anyone
> I've spent years telling them that they shouldn't
> like. When that happens I see red and go a little
> crazier than usual, because it reminds me what an
> *ineffectual* crazy person I am. All these years,
> working with an audience not nearly as smart as I
> am, and I *still* couldn't make them hate the people
> I wanted them to hate. Realizing all this just got
> me down, that's all, so I needed to go a little 
> more bat shit crazy than usual.
> - Judy Stein
> --- In, "authfriend" <authfriend@> wrote:
> >
> > --- In, "Robin Carlsen" <maskedzebra@> wrote:
> > > 
> > > --- In, "seventhray1" <steve.sundur@> wrote:
> > > > 
> > > > Judy, you do leave me speechless.  Almost.  It is at this point
> > > > I reflect on the last Narnia book, "The Last Battle", when the 
> > > > ape "Shift" turns the truth upside down.  And succeeds in doing
> > > > so for a while.  I guess that's a difference between that book 
> > > > and FFL.  I don't think anyone is fooled here, even for a moment.
> > > > 
> > > > I hope Robin doesn't turn on you here Judy.  That could happen 
> > > > you know.
> > > 
> > > ROBIN: Actually, this is the only moment in today's proceedings 
> > > where I feel you have hit a nerve, Steve. And I believe your 
> > > warning to Authfriend both timely and even portentous. I would
> > > ask you, Authfriend, to be careful at this point. Curtis and I 
> > > understand each other. I don't know you at all. And sometimes I
> > > think you act as if you know me much better than you do. Do you 
> > > understand this, Authfriend?
> > 
> > F*ck off, Zebra Baby. I don't give a crap about you and
> > your Issues; I'm after Curtis here. Don't get in the way,
> > OK? I know you better than I need to.
> > 
> > > You will thank Steve someday for his rebuke here. But funny
> > > thing is: the more I write into you, the more I like you!
> > 
> > Yeah, yeah, very funny. Take your levers and hooks and
> > grappling irons and go after somebody who hasn't made it
> > all the way around the block even once yet.
> > 
> > "Write into you," is that Canada-speak? Hey, I'll tell
> > you where you can write into, mister.
> > 
> > > But that doesn't change the wisdom of Steve's admonition,
> > > as surely you must know, Authfriend.
> > 
> > Nothing can ever change Steve's wisdom, I agree with
> > you there.
> >

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