> > "The Embassy of the United States in Cairo condemns the 
> > continuing efforts by misguided individuals to hurt the 
> > religious feelings of Muslims -- as we condemn efforts 
> > to offend believers of all religions.
> "
>  Rather than pandering to intolerant thugs shouldn't we be 
> making it clear that western  societies value their 
< traditions of free speech, which not only have they no 
> intention of  relinquishing  but would hope one day to see 
> all citizens in Muslim countries enjoy?
Apparently Obama is running scared, afraid of the radicals
over there - maybe Obama wants to arrest the film-maker.
Go figure. Hillary opposed the jailing of Pussy Riot over
in Russia - why not support American film-makers?

"Is anyone in charge anymore? The tweet came from a VERIFIED 
account. The Cairo Embassy did tweet it. They basically 
slammed freedom of speech and caved. Our Soldiers have died
protecting our freedoms. Stating "no one approved the msg" 
is admitting no one is in control, no one is leading, and 
we have a vacuum to fill." - Julie Anne Dostal 

'Obama administration disavows Cairo 'apology'

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