On 09/16/2012 07:39 PM, Richard J. Williams wrote:
>>> "The Embassy of the United States in Cairo condemns the
>>> continuing efforts by misguided individuals to hurt the
>>> religious feelings of Muslims -- as we condemn efforts
>>> to offend believers of all religions.
>> "
> Seraphita:
>>   Rather than pandering to intolerant thugs shouldn't we be
>> making it clear that western  societies value their
> < traditions of free speech, which not only have they no
>> intention of  relinquishing  but would hope one day to see
>> all citizens in Muslim countries enjoy?
> Apparently Obama is running scared, afraid of the radicals
> over there - maybe Obama wants to arrest the film-maker.
> Go figure. Hillary opposed the jailing of Pussy Riot over
> in Russia - why not support American film-makers?
> "Is anyone in charge anymore? The tweet came from a VERIFIED
> account. The Cairo Embassy did tweet it. They basically
> slammed freedom of speech and caved. Our Soldiers have died
> protecting our freedoms. Stating "no one approved the msg"
> is admitting no one is in control, no one is leading, and
> we have a vacuum to fill." - Julie Anne Dostal
> 'Obama administration disavows Cairo 'apology'
> http://tinyurl.com/9spumjk

You sound really intelligent, Willy.  Why don't you run for office? :-D

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