LaughingG if I giggle my head off during yogic flying this evening, it's all on 
your head.  Or your heart maybe.  Or maybe your...Whatever!  Anyway, what the 
heck is an ML shop?   

Oh my gosh, what's hideous?  Your Mexican jumping bean?  Your dinner that you 
laughed at?  Quick, tell me.  Please rescue this Damsel from all hideousness at 

What shall I bring to Wed or Thur S&T?  What shall I bring?  Sorry, no light 
bulb coming on just yet.  Maybe by end of workshop...    

BTW, thank you for being so upfront about your behind ness (-:

Glad that LYAO hasn't put a dent in that, so to speak.

 From: laughinggull108 <>
Sent: Saturday, October 6, 2012 9:37 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Best TM Rumor to laughingG

Share, I dare you not to think about this the next time you're in the Ladies' 
Dome: an endless sea of women dressed in latex suits...not black, but 
white...with only three openings: the crown chakra, the third eye, and of 
course the nose/mouth for breathing/pranayama (unless, of course, you no longer 
need to breath and are living off prana...hey, a light bulb just went off in my 
head). And speaking of rumors, I hear it's all the rage with the MD side of the 
movement...not so much with the men other than just objective 
observers...because nonporous latex doesn't allow any of the positive vibes 
generated during program to escape, but the perspiration generated during YF is 
still a major problem (maybe a good sidha business, ladie's 
sweat, bingo). Any truth to the rumor that an ML shop will soon be opening on 
the square, or has it already opened? I'm so behind...pun intended.

--- In, Share Long <sharelong60@...> wrote:
> aaaaaaaaaaaaaaak!  
> rushing to workshop, more later, thinking latex...
> ________________________________
>  From: laughinggull108 <>
> To: 
> Sent: Saturday, October 6, 2012 8:13 AM
> Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Best TM Rumor to Judy and PS to laughingG
> --- In, Share Long <sharelong60@> wrote:
> >
> > Judy, as often happens, I saw what you had written ONLY because I opened 
> > the post from laughinggull and tracked down til I found what he had 
> > written.  
> > 
> > Because I often enjoy what he writes.  I often don't open your posts at 
> > all.  Why should I?  I don't get, and probably partially my lack, 
> > that much enjoyment or wisdom from them.  Even when they're to other 
> > people.  But certainly not when they're to me.  Even here, look how 
> > you pick pick pick at every little point, going sentence by sentence, using 
> > rhetorical questions in a confrontational manner.  And just so it's 
> > clear:  terrible blooper is your phrase not mine.  And I never 
> > demanded anything from you.  
> > 
> > 
> > In your need to be negative towards me, you actually missed Marek's point 
> > and this caused your negativity to spill over onto his interesting and 
> > positive idea.      
> > 
> > If there's something of yours that you really want me to read, if you put 
> > "to Share" in the Subject line, then I will attempt to read it.  But 
> > can't promise that I will finish reading it.      
> > 
> > 
> > As for acknowledging my mistakes, this current discord between us began 
> > with the Russian flash mob upset with Robin.  FROM THE VERY BEGINNING OF 
> > THAT, I acknowledged that I could be mistaken.  And that I was willing 
> > to work things out WITH ROBIN.  You trounced on that mercilessly in your 
> > usual nitpicky style which destroys IMO any possibility for reestablishing 
> > harmony.  Later when I apologized to everyone, including you, you 
> > responded by misrepresenting me.  In what I deem a sneaky and dirty 
> > fighting way.
> > 
> >   
> > 
> > So it seems to me that acknowledging my alleged mistakes has not only been 
> > unproductive with you, it's also been counter productive.  So why would 
> > I continue to do so?  Answering this question as wisely as possible is 
> > what it's really time for.  So that's what I'm aiming to do.
> > 
> > PS to laughingG:   just in case I've been bad in the reply above, maybe 
> > you better include FF in your itinerary (-:  
> > 
> Well, I guess NJ is OFF my itinerary gauging from the response I got. I was 
> feeling very, very naughty yesterday (must have been all those positive posts 
> from Thursday) and LMAO after I wrote that last line, and continued laughing 
> as I fixed dinner. I'm hoping you have a black latex Cat Woman suit (like the 
> one someone posted a couple of weeks ago as a tribute to Judy) but the 
> buttocks exposed to make the spanking go easier. See you next week for Show & 
> Tell Wednesday? I'm bringing my Mexican jumping bean. What are you bringing?
> Share, turn away, turn away, it's hideous!
> > ________________________________
> >  From: laughinggull108 <>
> > To: 
> > Sent: Friday, October 5, 2012 6:29 PM
> > Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Best TM Rumor
> > 
> > 
> >   
> > --- In, "authfriend" <authfriend@> wrote:
> > >
> > > --- In, Share Long <sharelong60@> wrote:
> > > >
> > > > Well I SUGGESTED moving to Wednesday.  Some agreed.  Some
> > > > didn't.
> > > 
> > > And some didn't like the idea of reserving *any* day
> > > for this "special" use.
> > > 
> > > > I guess we'll have to wait and see what happens next
> > > > week.
> > > > 
> > > > I like the FFL variety too.  I think Marek was suggesting
> > > > something other than less variety.
> > > 
> > > I don't believe anyone said Marek was suggesting less
> > > variety, do you, Share?
> > > 
> > > I guess you must have misunderstood. The point is that
> > > the *result* of Marek's suggestion would be less variety
> > > day to day, because if there were a "special" day every
> > > week designated for "creative" posts or neat finds,
> > > folks would tend to save them up so they would have
> > > something to contribute on that day. As a consequence,
> > > such posts would no longer be sprinkled as freely
> > > throughout the week as they are now.
> > 
> > Judy, you need to re-read Marek's original suggestion because you have 
> > *completely* misunderstood his intentions. The *result* of Marek's 
> > suggestion would be less negativity through arguing, correcting, etc. etc. 
> > for at least one day each week so that some people might actually want to 
> > visit and read some of the posts on that particular day. Leave it to you to 
> > twist it into something else. Feel free to contribute something on 
> > Wednesdays if you wish, or sprinkle it throughout the week. You have my 
> > permission. And if you insist on misrepresenting Marek's noble suggestion, 
> > I just might have to come ot NJ and spank you!
> > 
> > > 
> > > One of the things that's so nice about this kind of
> > > forum is the spontaneity. I understand that some folks
> > > find this threatening (it's why we have a posting
> > > limit, by the way). They'd rather have everything all
> > > laid out and planned so they know what to expect.
> > > 
> > > Once you start designating "special" days for this and
> > > days for that, however, you really end up with a
> > > different type of forum altogether. Nothing wrong with
> > > it, but it's not what many folks here are interested in.
> > > 
> > > Say, Share, when are you going to acknowledge all the
> > > mistakes you made in our exchange a few weeks ago? I
> > > mean, you just pointed out my terrible blooper about
> > > who first mentioned the Hatfields and McCoys, you or
> > > Ann, and demanded that I acknowledge it--which I did
> > > immediately.
> > > 
> > > I think it's about time you acknowledge yours, don't 
> > > you?
> > >
> >


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