--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Emily Reyn <emilymae.reyn@...> wrote:
> Welcome back khazana108. 

Thanks again.

>I mentioned your other name because it was in the photo you included, so I 
>figured you were communicating who you were in your most recent FFL internet 
>incarnation, to aid in creating continuity or understanding.  
Right, that was my intention ;-)

> ________________________________
>  From: khazana108 <no_re...@yahoogroups.com>
> To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
> Sent: Thursday, October 11, 2012 1:03 PM
> Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Hi, I'm back
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Emily Reyn <emilymae.reyn@> wrote:
> >
> > New name? 
> Yes.
> > Welcome back "Iranitea". Â 
> > 
> Thanks Emily.
> I started adopting different screen names, as a tool to have a greater sense 
> of anonymity. People started to know about me and my associations, as I had 
> myself told them so. In one way, I wanted to be able to post things without 
> people making a certain connection - I wanted to be completely free in what I 
> post.
> The other reason is, as you may know that one is easily put into a box here, 
> you belong either to this or that camp, that used to be pro- or anti-TM, now 
> I guess the issue has become even more complicated. I more or less ended up 
> in the pro-TM camp the first years I posted in TM related forums. Never mind, 
> I wanted to be neutral, not anti- not completely pro either. 
> There was also the issue, of getting rid of a certain unwelcome 'embrace' of 
> the pro camp. At a certain point, Emily, there was an 'embrace' by one of the 
> posters I was friendly with for years, a tendentiousness which, as I felt was 
> imposed on me, which I completely rejected, with the resultant break-up. That 
> put me automatically in the opposite camp. I felt I had to free myself from 
> the embrace of the anaconda.
> When I felt it was impossible to get rid of the labeling, I changed my IDs. 
> Anyway, through travelings, getting more frequent, I had long breaks.
> But there were always people who would recognize me, through my style, my 
> imperfect English, through sometimes missing keys (w and l) or whatever, or 
> through my opinions.
> Probably we all work through our past here, TM, and the TM movement happened 
> for me in a long ago past, but these were formative years, which influenced 
> our thinking, definitely our way of life (still being completely vegetarian, 
> still meditating regularly every day, not with the TM mantra though), our 
> believes. I was quite surprised, being now near Auroville, I met a young guy 
> on the beach (just one afternoon at the beach Emily), I didn't know where to 
> put my things, there were no lockets, and I wanted to swim in the ocean. So I 
> approached some white people, asking if I can put my things there. Some 
> French and an Italian living in Morocco. 
> A little later on the street we met up again, and the guy asked what I was 
> doing spiritually, who my master was. I explained to him. We talked on a 
> little, he was a Sufi he said. Somehow the word, just the letters TM fell, 
> and he immediately said, that he could see this, I still have it all in me, 
> whatever I gained there. Now, I don't do TM since 23 years! Longer than I did 
> it. I wasn't sure if I should be proud or be shocked!   
> I just today, incidentally, I saw an email exchange with one of the posters 
> here in my mailbox, very touching, or exchanges I had here with for example 
> 'new.morning', all very nice people, but it had to do with the associations, 
> I don't like to be generally known or be in search engines.
> In India, I was working with an elderly guy, very nice man, who was on the 
> same 6 month course as Robin, and knew him distantly. I asked him where the 
> courses were, and he said Park Hotel Weggis, and Biarritz in France. He also 
> lived in FF is common to other friends I have from there.
> > 
> > 
> > ________________________________
> >  From: khazana108 no_re...@yahoogroups.com
> > To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
> > Sent: Thursday, October 11, 2012 5:37 AM
> > Subject: [FairfieldLife] Hi, I'm back
> > 
> > 
> > Â
> >

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