And it cost $20 too. I see Bonder as a guy with a few ideas, which may or may 
not be helpful to some people. I have heard him twice, and can't say I have 
been overwhelmingly impressed. 

--- In, "Buck" <dhamiltony2k5@...> wrote:
> --- In, "Buck"  wrote:
> >
> > At the grocery store just a few moments ago I just heard from a brother of 
> > a Raja here that Saniel Bonder founder of waking up is in Fairfield with an 
> > open meeting for folks tonite at 7pm hosted at the McElhaney. I's just 
> > calls it like I's heard it.  Another day in FF life and another sage visits.
> > -Buck
> >
> Dateline Fairfield, Iowa.
> **
> The meeting was packed with spiritual Fairfield. 
> It is interesting how many satsangs there are in Fairfield working on the 
> subtle system of spiritual embodiment.  And, how many are working at it also 
> through a transmission-like shakti-path as in Waking Down with Saniel Bonder 
> for example.  In the larger meditating community this is where a lot of the 
> community has tread; working at opening up a place where grace comes in to 
> the spiritual system beyond transcendence.
> **
> On the streets and in the meetings,
> -Buck

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