--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb <no_reply@...> wrote:
> Replying to the only part I saw flash past in Message View:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Robin Carlsen" <maskedzebra@> wrote:
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb <no_reply@> wrote:
> > >
> > > BARRY1: For some reason, I find myself still tripping on a 
> > > phrase used on FFL yesterday. *Not* on the person who wrote 
> > > it, but on the content, the idea expressed. The phrase was 
> > > "Now my love for Maharishi was of course the highest love 
> > > I had ever known."
> > 
> > ROBIN1:Well, it is true for me, Barry, and I think THIS 
> Two points:
> 1. I was writing neither to Robin or about Robin. For 
> him to believe otherwise is just his "It's all about me" 
> Narcissistic Personality Disorder kicking in. I was 
> writing about an idea. I neither expected a reply from 
> him, or feel that I owe him one. I am making an exception 
> here because of point #2.
> 2. Robin was never enlightened. As far as I can tell, that
> was just his Narcissistic Personality Disorder kicking
> in, too, augmented by a little mania and Hysterical 
> Personality Disorder. 
> I would suggest, in fact, that the only person on this
> forum who actually *believes* he was ever enlightened
> is Robin himself, and that he might be better served by
> giving the claims that he was a break. If he feels that
> I am incorrect in this assessment, all he ever had to
> do was JUST ASK. 
> Here...I'll do it for him. If there is anyone here who 
> believes that Robin was in fact enlightened, and as he
> claims in Unity Consciousness, speak now or forever 
> hold your peace. 
> There. Now Robin will know who on this forum is gullible 
> enough to fall for his shit and who is not. There is no 
> need for him to thank me...it's the least I could do.  :-)

I might not have been enlightened, but I came--I remember the exact meditation 
when this happened--very close. It sure felt like it, anyway.

But I think you're probably right: I was never enlightened. But I wanted to be 
enlightened so much that I guess I sort of willed my enlightenment.

Makes sense to me now, but at the time it seemed like a great idea: Fake it, 
Robin: see if you can pretend to be in Unity Consciousness--and get some people 
to believe it.

Maharishi put me into the very same state of consciousness as he was in--so, 
once I experienced what he described as Unity Consciousness, I figured: Well, I 
am now where Maharishi is, and this sure does seem to be what he said Unity 
Consciousness would be like: I must be enlightened.

But deep down I always knew: Hey, you're not enlightened, Robin; and you know 
it. At some point, just give it up--but insist that you really were enlightened 

If I had to confess to not being in Unity, would you not agree that this would 
take something off of the interest that my posts have?

But it's been so long since I was in Unity Consciousness that I might as well 
just say: I never was enlightened.

Did you like my posts directed towards you yesterday, Barry?

One thing I will say, Barry, had I not been enlightened it sure would have made 
a profound difference to these last twenty-five years.

Even if I had not believed in my own enlightenment, what I have passed through 
proves that the Vedic gods sure believed it. After all, they made me 

And I had to get out from under their total dominion of my consciousness.

So at least I hope that it is as if I were never enlightened. So, if it seems 
as if I were never enlightened because of what I have overcome in myself, then 
why not just say: I was never enlightened.

That might be the final cure.

But still, I would have to face the fact that I was enlightened.

And you must have believed it too, Barry, which is why you have left unanswered 
every single post I have directed towards you. Fear of the Ex-enlightened man.

I think having been enlightened--or claiming I was--is very much part of my 

I will say this: If anyone on FFL really believes there is such a thing as 
enlightenment, and it is a desirable state of consciousness, then that person 
cannot believe that I was ever enlightened, since, if enlightenment were really 
objectively what Maharishi believed it was (he lost that belief in the act of 
dying), it would be irreversible and unchangeable. My de-enlightenment 
claims--should they be true (and they are)--would make of Unity Consciousness 
what I in the end discovered experimentally that it was: a mystical 

A hallucination, however, which conformed to every single description Maharishi 
had ever given to what it would be like to slip into Unity Consciousness.

I am so outraged at this very idea that I was not really enlightened, that I am 
considering going back into Unity and then getting Rick to interview me.

Would that satisfy you?

No, I really was enlightened. At least it seemed I was.

But now that I really think about it: Maybe I wasn't.

Probably not.

OK, I admit to not being enlightened.

But still those Vedic gods, if they ever made anyone enlightened, they made me 

Maybe not all the way; but pretty darn close.

I just wish I had thought about this question before.

If I took LSD--if that altered my consciousness; then, yes, Maharishi and TM 
altered my consciousness so that I acted, for ten years, inside the integrity 
of another state of consciousness other than waking state consciousness. 
Transcendental consciousness and waking state consciousness simultaneously, 
apprehending everything existing as unified in the Self.

It seemed pretty darn like enlightenment at the time.

Let's just say that for a moment there I came very close to being enlightened.

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