> > 
> > 
> > ---  "authfriend" <authfriend@> wrote:
> > > 
> > > His philosophy is his own, not "borrowed," first of all, as
> > > Barry would know if he'd been reading Robin's posts. Second,
> > > given that he has concluded Maharishi was fundamentally a
> > > fraud--
> > > 
> > > "Objectively, I have have been forced to conclude that Maharishi
> > > did not possess either the personal or even impersonal integrity
> > > to justify what he claimed to be and what he claimed as his
> > > purpose in this life."
> > > 
> > > --how would this "butter up" TMers?
> > > 
> > >
> ---  "Jason" <jedi_spock@> wrote:
> >
> > Could it be that Robin suffers from a disconnect between his 
> > emotional relationship with Maharishi and his intellectual 
> > relationship with Maharishi?
> > 
> > If Maharishi is a fraud and he still loves this fraud and 
> > has fond memories of this fraud?
> > 
> > That means Robin is in the same boat as Barry who has fond 
> > memories of this 'Cheater cunt Rama' and brags over and over 
> > again about how much he benefited from him.
> > 
> > Think about it authbabe.  Maybe you too have this 
> > disconnect.
> > 
> >
---  "raunchydog" <raunchydog@...> wrote:
> Good Lord, Jason. Robin and Barry in the same boat is insulting to Robin and 
> boats. Suffering from "emotional and intellectual disconnect" are words I 
> would use to describe Barry not Robin, not ever. Robin runs to the truth 
> about himself, he hides nothing. He is courageous. No matter how much 
> criticism Barry gets for his behavior on FFLife, even if the truth bites him 
> squarely in the ass, he never feels it. Barry is the most self-unaware person 
> I have ever encountered. He is a coward.
> All things TM and Maharishi are an anathema to Robin, yet he does not deny 
> the truth of his experience that he once loved Maharishi. IMO Barry never 
> loved Fred or Maharishi, except for what he thought he could take from them.  

I think you nailed it.  Barry did love Maharishi once upon a 
time but for some reason denies it.

You know, there was a time when I believed that Maharishi 
was the greatest person ever, after Sage Vyasa and Adi 
Sankara.  I had the same ecstatic belief. It was a period of 
innocense.  It got destroyed when it joined FFL about 8 
years ago.

I agree that Barry's engagement of Robin is indirect and 
devious.  Atleast Curtis, Xeno and I were direct and 

> Robin:  
> "I could, it is true, surrender myself to my TM-Maharishi past, and become 
> totally consumed by that mystical context--and as you rightly point out, or 
> imply: to do so would undo all of what I have achieved in these twenty-five 
> years. So I treat all things TM and Maharishi as anathema. But this does not 
> mean denying what was true, most profoundly true for me: that Maharishi was 
> like the Son of God come onto the earth--like Christ--and that he raised me 
> up and transformed me and strengthened me and loved me and filled me with his 
> grace and his own enlightened mind and heart. I have come to recognize a 
> higher truth than Maharishi, but I shall never, as long as I remain in this 
> world, ever experience the kind of ecstasy and love and exhilaration and 
> power and energy that I experienced in the presence of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, 
> raunchy."
> http://groups.yahoo.com/group/FairfieldLife/message/323468
> > 
> > > TM critics, maybe. It's always puzzled me that the most
> > > vocal TM critics on this forum are also Robin's most vocal
> > > critics. You'd think they'd be eager to make common cause
> > > with him.
> > > 
> > > > 6. Have you ever considered the possibility that you
> > > > *projected* onto him all of the experiences you claim came
> > > > *from* Maharishi, and that one of the reasons you did this
> > > > is just to avoid dealing with the possibility that you had
> > > > an enormous man-crush on him? You admit that the love you
> > > > felt for him was the "highest love you'd ever experienced,"
> > > > but don't seem to deal with the ramifications of that.
> > > > What's up with that?
> > > 
> > > How can one suggest he has "avoided dealing with the
> > > possibility" that he had an "enormous man-crush" on
> > > Maharishi when he's stated explicitly over and over how
> > > much he loved him?
> > > 
> > >
> >

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