--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Jason" <jedi_spock@...> wrote:
> > > 
> > > >
> > > > ---  "Jason" <jedi_spock@> wrote:
> > > > <snip>
> > > > > Am I oblivious to the truth? Atleast tell me what the 
> > > > > 'truth' is for whatever it's worth.
> > > > > 
> > > ---  "authfriend" <authfriend@> wrote:
> > > >
> > > > 
> > > > 
> > > > (Sorry, couldn't resist.)
> > > >
> > > >
> > ---  "Jason" <jedi_spock@> wrote:
> > >
> > > Why not? Is this your subjective or objective judgement?
> > >
> > >
> ---  "Robin Carlsen" <maskedzebra@> wrote:
> >
> > ROBIN: Did you read my two posts to you today, Jason? If you had, that 
> > should give you pause before you choose to write something that comes this 
> > easily--and doesn't indicate you even know how to go towards what is the 
> > truth. The truth here being: Is authfriend right? or did she misjudge you?
> > 
> > That is the question she was posing to you. In order to have something 
> > meaningful to say you have to enter into her indictment of you, and 
> > discover, for yourself, whether it is true or not. In typical Jason fashion 
> > you did anything but this. You refused to take seriously the possibility 
> > that it might be true. That is, objectively true.
> > 
> > To have the satisfaction of knowing it is NOT true, you must within 
> > yourself find some experience, some evidence on the record, which would 
> > refute this judgment of authfriend. And if you do have some experience of 
> > truth about yourself, and evidence in your posts, which exonerates you from 
> > this charge, then you can express this experience, present this evidence, 
> > Jason, and the reader will be able to make some determination as to which 
> > judgment is the truer one, authfriend's or yours.
> > 
> > But certainly so far, given what you say here, authfriend has rendered an 
> > objective judgment. Because if you could handle the truth you would seek 
> > out the sources within yourself which would enable you to know whether 
> > authfriend was right or she was wrong.
> > Do you follow this, Jason? It is necessary that you understand me, first of 
> > all to weigh whether what I have said here is pertinent to your question to 
> > authfriend; second, to be able to face authfriend directly and either 
> > acknowledge the painful truth of what she has said--or to effectually rebut 
> > her.
> >
> You said that you disavow any love for him. But all that you 
> said in the past months seems to have lot of emotions.  This 
> is where you and others differ in the outlook.
> The others when they look back down the 'memory lane' or 
> 'history lane' never expresssed such sugary sentiments.

ROBIN: You have nailed it, Jason. Authfriend has made a miscalculation: it is 
not that you can't *handle* the truth; you blithely remain ignorant that it is 
even around. I would like to see you *not* handling the truth. That would be 
something rather refreshing.

Barry wrote about the abnormality of this kind of love [love of Maharishi]. I 
answered him in detail. And that post renders what you say here irrelevant. The 
toothache response, remember?

Your confidence in your own point of view, Jason, can be partly explained--or 
so I conclude from your posts of today--by how deep you are willing to go into 
some phenomenon, in order to understand it, see it, experience. That is, as it 
really is.

Life is going to have to surprise you but good to alert you to what is going on 
when you post, Jason. I will be incredulous if a single thing I have said to 
you today is there in your understanding.

I will give you a simple thing to think about: The sense of the personally 
tragic in the hidden interior life of Bevan Morris.

Have you ever found that suffering yielded up a truth to you, Jason, about 
yourself, about life, which could be delivered in no other way than through 
your having suffered?

Another simple thing to think about.

Each person is a universe unto themselves. Life is a mysterious experience. I 
am sure death is too. You are inside something awesome and unbelievable, Jason: 
the universe.

I will pray that somehow you end up actually handling the truth. But first of 
all you have to know that it is somewhere nearby.

Effortlessness is not the required technique here, Jason.

I was thinking today who Maharishi might be as just a person had he somehow 
found a way to become de-enlghtened--as I have claim I have. I would like to 
meet that person. There is nothing like being in Unity Consciousness for ten 
years and then eventually not being in Unity Consciousness. I would not miss 
out on this experience. It made me.

You can't put your life inside a teacup, Jason.


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