--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "marekreavis" <reavismarek@...> wrote:
> No, Robin, despite your invitation, I have no desire to discuss other's 
> failings on this forum, whether real, imagined, or contrived.

Dear Marek,

You already have, Marek. You have tacitly judged the response of various 
posters on FFL to BW to be a matter utterly mysterious to you. *That* is a 
definitive statement which holds within it a judgment of the validity of a 
response which sees *no* mystery in this phenomenon.

This response of yours to my post is itself a form of negativity--more 
irresponsible than the response that various posters have had to Barry 
Wright--who have been crudely and brutally attacked by him--YOU WOULD NOT ALLOW 

Just to clarify: I am saying you are being consciously dishonest in insinuating 
that your own take on the Barry Wright issue represents some more objective and 
unbiased point of view (than the point of view of BW's critics). For surely 
this is what you are attempting to pull off here [see below] by acting as if 
the whole controversy is being driven by something irrational and 
unjustifiable. You made a implicit judgement of all those who have been abused 
by Barry Wright, and who have honestly and from within the very depths of who 
they are, responded to him with anger, irony, incredulity, satire, sympathy, 
and strength.

How can you keep a straight face, Marek, suggesting to all FFL readers that 
this Barry Wright matter represents something unfathomable and resistant to 
reason and common sense? This is a lie of your first person ontology which 
would wish that this not exist. Fine: you dislike controversy, invective, 
acrimony: I understand that. It goes very much against the disposition of your 

But to handle this sorrow and discomfort in the universe by making a judgment 
about it which would imply there is something truthful in BW's response to you: 
"They provide a nice break from being pursued by psychopathic stalkers"--and 
that therefore BW's critics hold an experience about Barry--their reaction to 
him--which somehow is less truthful than your own, well that is rank 
dissimulation, albeit motivated by some cosmic desire for Buddhahood peace and 

The critics of Barry express a feeling and intelligence which makes your post 
(below)  without any substance--or rather without the substance you would have 
us believe it contains. It contains nothing but a simple wish that the 
complexity would just go away. You don't want to deal with it. Fine. But you 
will not be allowed to get away with telling a big fib in the interests of 
consoling and flattering your friend Barry Wright.

Finally: your statement above: "I have no desire to discuss other's failings on 
this forum, whether real, imagined, or contrived" would have the reader believe 
you have taken the high moral ground--this is an escape into a false sense of 
self-righteousness. You are a bullshitter, Marek. Even though, as raunchy said, 
you contain extraordinary beauty and sensitivity in order to paint that cadaver 
and perform that religious act of devotion.

We Canadians have an inferiority complex: I am over-compensating for this, as 
you can see.

I like your posts--almost all of them. Not this one, though.

If I had grown up in Southern California I would undoubtedly be surfing with 
you. I was, instead, playing hockey at five years old--before we moved to the 
west coast, where I had to switch sports--and never put my skates on again.

Have a great Sunday, Marek.



MAREK: Dude, your relationships with some folks here has been discussed and
commented upon endlessly and by lots of people. The whole drama, with your
participation, seems to be a significant engine of this forum. For some unknown
and ungodly reason, it is. I don't get it. I don't enjoy it, but it continues
unabated, irregardless. I just let it lie, for the most part.

ROBIN: Marek, have a look at these two posts.



I would suppose, based upon your recent interaction here in FFL, you have some
kind of friendship with or respect for Duveyoung. He addressed BW recently. Did
you read that post? [See above] And did you read BW's post this morning about
the earthquake off the Queen Charlotte Islands and Hurricane Sandy expected to
make land in New Jersey? [See above]

You say: "I don't get it". Well, I don't get that you don't get it. This is such
a load of bullshit, Marek. Your determined loyalty to BW requires that in order
for you to avoid the moral and metaphysical dissonance that is caused (inside
you) by the reaction people (like the dude Duveyoung) have to BW that you must
pretend that this controversy over your friend BW persists "[f]or some unknown
and ungodly reason".

What an absurd and shameless position to take--although I believe your deepest
philosophical commitments require that you stay away from the fray. ["I just let
it lie, for the most part."]

But for you to imply (I am sure Susan had a raunchy goat of ecstasy when she
read what you wrote here) that it is an honest source of perplexity, this
business of people's reaction to BW, that is beyond the pale, Marek. And
utterly indefensible. Would you ask your friend Duveyoung this same question?
"Why did you write that post berating Barry, Duveyoung? I don't understand what
your problem is with Barry. Not only this, I am going to express my wonder and
dismay that this mysterious phenomenon "continues unabated, irregardless"'.

And Barry's conjecture about weather being karmic in regard to those two
critics--much more honest than you are, by the way, Marek: is that the thinking
of someone who goes innocently to the slaughter here on FFL?

There is quiet murderous violence (with a silencer) you do to the truth here,
Marek. And I am calling you on it. Unless you can possibly defend your
position--which you cannot.

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