--- In FairfieldLife@yahoo
groups.com, "Susan" <wayback71@...> wrote:
> WRT Edg duvey, I did not like what Barry wrote, and I think 
> he and Barry have disliked each other for many years now. 

That is not true, Susan. Edg has disliked *me* for
many years now. He lit into me years ago over an 
"offense" that was purely and completely imaginary,
happening only inside his own head, as a result of
(as far as I can tell) some traumas that had happened 
to him earlier in life that he's still never dealt 
with his role in.

During that imaginary episode, Edg felt no hesitation
about describing me as a "sexual predator," for no
other reason than me writing about meeting some nice
Canadian people in a bar in Sitges. As I remember it,
pretty much everyone on the forum called Edg on his
idiocy in this regard, even the Judester. I pretty
much wrote him off as irrelevant to anything resembling
sanity at that point. 

My issue with what he wrote more recently is *not* 
over the question of whether what he wrote back in
2010 was original or not. It's with 1) the bit about 
feeling it was important enough to "copyright" back
then and 2) still feeling slighted today because 
people didn't stroke him for writing it the way he
obviously felt they should.

That's just narcissistic thinking in my book. First,
there is no need to copyright that which no one would 
ever *want* to rip off or steal. Second, no one owed 
him anything for writing it. To believe otherwise 
about something written to a forum that almost no one 
on earth reads or knows about is really moving into 
RWC NPD territory.

1,464 members of FFL. 6,973,738,433 people on Earth.
You do the math. 

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