It really is naive to believe It's still Bush's fault. Recessions are cyclical. 
Usually every 7-8 years. The problem is, nothing Obama has done has made the 
current one better, in fact every thing he's done has made it worse. Four+ 
trillion in new debt. Have you noticed that the GDP keeps getting smaller? Year 
before last it was 2.2 or 2.3%. Last year it was 1.8% and this year 1.7%. We 
have a shrinking economy. Small business is the driving force of our economy 
and it is slowing down due to the policies of Obama, not his race. Businesses, 
small and large and banks have plenty of capital but are afraid to invest it 
because of all the uncertainty of whether businesses will be able to grow. They 
are afraid of new taxes, Obamacare and new regulations. Business needs 
certainty and nobody wants to start or expand a current business because they 
don't know what Obama will do next. "I'll have more flexibility after the 
election", to do what? 1/6th of the
 population lives in poverty, 47 million on food stamps, 23 million 
under/unemployed and things aren't getting better. At the current rate we'll 
have  at least another 4 trillion in debt in four years if Obama is re-elected 
with even more people out of work and our current social safety net is 
unsustainable. Everything is going to collapse, if things don't get turned 
around and Obama hasn't the slightest idea of how to do that. All of his 
closest advisers are college professors who study theories but have never put 
them into practice and have never run a business. Romney is a very successful 
business man who specialized in turning failing businesses around and making 
them profitable. I believe when Romney is elected businesses will have enough 
faith to take the chances needed to grow and hire more people and get the 
economy growing at a significant rate again. You can demonize the man all you 
want but his policies are sound and have worked in the past.


 From: Bhairitu <>
Sent: Sunday, October 28, 2012 11:54 AM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Buffoon President says, "I didn't t know!"
How did Obama drive us into poverty? Do you even have the brains to 
understand that it was the Republican administration of Bush2 that 
fostered the economic collapse.  What should have Obama done 
differently?  It's like the Republicans threw a big party and thought 
Obama was the janitor who would clean it up.  That shows you how racist 
Republicans are.  Republicans are the American Taliban.

On 10/28/2012 10:05 AM, Mike Dixon wrote:
> I'm not worried about my self, just the fate of the nation. I can take care 
> of my self. Obama has driven more into poverty than any president in my life 
> time.
> ________________________________
>   From: Bhairitu <>
> To:
> Sent: Sunday, October 28, 2012 9:57 AM
> Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Buffoon President says, "I didn't t know!"
> The jack boot fascist Mitt Romney is what we need to worry about.  You
> think Dubya was bad?   Romney is a liar and a thief.  He will rob you
> blind and put you into poverty faster than the banksters.  In fact he
> will help the banksters put you into poverty.  What are you going to do
> then. Kiss his ass?
> On 10/28/2012 09:30 AM, Mike Dixon wrote:
>> The attack lasted at least seven hours with drones overhead and he could 
>> have watched it in the White House situation room via computer, had he had 
>> any interest. He was in a meeting in the Oval office as it began. I find it 
>> very hard to believe that  it was not brought to his attention at some time 
>> during the meeting. Clearly, the prez  is trying to get past the election 
>> before the *official truth* is discovered. Then all he has to worry about is 
>> impeachment and all the country has to worry about is Joe Biden as 
>> president. Fox News channel is blowing this story wide open while the rest 
>> of the media is trying to delay it.
>> ________________________________
>>    From: Richard J. Williams <>
>> To:
>> Sent: Sunday, October 28, 2012 7:58 AM
>> Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Buffoon President says, "I didn't t know!"
>> wgm4u:
>>> Buffoon President says, "I didn't t know!"
>>> Obama, time to quit! 4 Americans dead.
>> What did the President know about the attack on the
>> Benghazi embassy, and when did he know it? Only the
>> President knows and he won't tell us.
>> Instead, he sent out the UN Anbassador to say the
>> attack was the result of a mob angry over a video.
>> This has all the earmarks of a coverup. It sure looks
>> like Obama is trying to hide something until after
>> the election.
>> Remember, nobody got killed because of Watergate.
>> >From what I've read, the attack on the Benghazi
>> embassy lasted over four hours. If the President
>> issued a direct order for assistance to protect the
>> Libyan embassy staff and the Ambassador, then why
>> wasn't the directive followed?
>> So what, exactly did the President do in the seven
>> hours after the attack? Apparently he went to Vegas,
>> at the tax-payers expense, to raise some cash for
>> his re-election campaign. Go figure.
>> Either Obama lied about the orders he sent out or
>> there was a serious breakdown in security commands,
>> or both.
>> So, either way, it just proves the incompetence of
>> the President and the Secretary of State.
>> Apparently they sacrificed our four guys just so the
>> administration could claim that al Qaeda was
>> defeated. If so, then this is outrageous!
>> "For our top leadership, with all the technological
>> and military tools at their disposal, to have done
>> nothing for seven hours was a joint civilian and
>> military failure of initiative and nerve..."
>> 'Benghazi attack: Urgent call for military help `was
>> denied by chain of command''
>> Christian Science Monitor, October 27, 2012


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