Richard, I actually did tell Robin which actions of his I was calling 
psychological rape.  His declaring many times with certainty what my inner 
thoughts and feelings were.  However, Ann does not name which actions or 
inactions of mine are the basis for her accusations.  This is the crucial 
difference between what I did and what she did.  I also list her words on which 
I'm basing what I say about her.

Ok, enough of that particular rabbit hole (-:  

 From: Richard J. Williams <>
Sent: Wednesday, October 31, 2012 7:19 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Fw: The Science of Compassion, for Wednesday to Ann


> > Ann, numbered below are excerpts showing the vile 
> > accusations about my character you make...
> >
> The tone of this post to me is very reminiscent of your 
> responses to Robin when you felt you had been so "raped" 
> by him in some way...

Well, I think it's time to stop all the 'mind-rape' on 
FFL; trying to take Share down the Rabbit Hole. What 
business is it to some anonymous posters that want to 
change what we believe in?

When are they going to send in the thought police? How 
dare these people have something to believe! This is just 
getting outrageous! 

Next thing you know, they'll be taking away our posting 
privilages on Yahoo! Groups for asking 'What did he know, 
and when did he know it?'.

'Christians persecuted throughout the world'



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