My late tantric guru told me about a month and a half AFTER my tantra 
initiation that I shouldn't eat beef.  It would cause my meditations to 
be worthless.  He was a little late as I had already consumed two meals 
with beef (one was a favorite of mine: a cheeseburger).  Nope, it didn't 
effect my meditation at all.  If beef effects Indian meditations it may 
be because they don't have a digestive system strong enough to digest it 
but then they do actually eat red meat (goat and lamb) that which is 
more purine and should be harder to digest.

One Swami at a Vivekananda center in the city where I once lived even 
has a slide show for his followers explaining the difference between 
beef cattle and a milk cow.  He thinks some Americans who try to live on 
a vegetarian diet are anemic.  So you will find beef at their buffets 
those he doesn't eat it himself.

As for the acid/alkaline balance that is quite complex and doesn't 
always work as expected.  I would suggest reading Bill Wolcott's book 
"Metabolic Typing" about  the subject.  I did the program he now runs 
back in 1981.  He found that for some people meat may make them more 
alkaline.  So it isn't clear cut.  Bill was the Seattle TM center 
chairman back in the 1970s.

In 1972, when a friend was attending naturopathic college, she 
recommended that I get a checkup there.  The ND (who was a Canadian MD 
getting his ND) asked if I was a vegetarian.  I told him, "no, but I 
have been trying it for the last couple weeks." He said it would not 
work for me because I was already showing signs of anemia.  He 
recommended some meat, fish or chicken two or three times a week.  BTW, 
my ayurvedic practitioner (also an MD) told me he found that pittas 
often need animal protein that often.

India is a hot climate like an eternal summer.  In the summer it is easy 
to get too acidity and why many people tend to eat more vegetarian.  But 
I think many of us with European ancestors survived cold winter because 
of our pitta constitutions.  And the current thought on ayurveda is 
instead of trying to make yourself tri-doshic to restore your 
constitution instead.

As for inflammation, make sure you are really dealing with it first.  As 
we get older if may be more common but not a reason to give up animal 
protein entirely.

On 11/16/2012 11:34 AM, Share Long wrote:
> First of all, I eat chicken and fish occasionally.  For my Dad and step Mom's 
> 50th, I even ate filet mignon.  Probably took me a year to digest it but 
> whatever!  I think meat increases pitta and or acid in the system which 
> causes inflammation.  Lots of people now talk about the importance of an 
> alkaline diet and link inflammation to all sorts of diseases.
> ________________________________
>   From: Bhairitu <>
> To:
> Sent: Friday, November 16, 2012 11:31 AM
> Subject: [FairfieldLife] Does eating meat make you lie cheat and steal
> Or have Indiaphiles taken over Raw Story?
> Alex, care to weigh in on this?
> Hey, didn't someone say that chicken tikka masala was MMY's favorite
> food?  Very yummy but I like butter chicken and the local south Indian
> style restaurant has a recipe to make you steal and fight for.

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