--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, khazana108 <no_reply@...> wrote:
> Oh, well, never mind. You won't understand it. Not in 
> this life at least, maybe in the next.

Don't count on that. 

Can you imagine -- given the reactive narcissism 
with which she defends her illusions about her self
in this life -- that's she's going to have an easy
trip through the Bardo, one that would allow her
the luxury of a higher birth?

The classic description of the Bardo is that along
its Way you will encounter every image that you
have been afraid of or hated or been averse to in
your current lifetime. Each of them will rise up
and try to get you to focus on them and do battle
with them, to preserve your sense of self. The
more you do, the lower your rebirth. 

Given what we've seen on Fairfield Life, how do 
you think she'll fare at this? Just sayin'...

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