Barry is going to be in mega-freakout mode for some time
given the abysmal failure of what he thought was a sure-
fire "get Judy" gambit, which turned out to be a ruinous
Barry defeat (about his deleted post back in 2006).

Barry is nothing if not narcissistically reactive.

--- In, turquoiseb <no_reply@...> wrote:
> --- In, khazana108 <no_reply@> wrote:
> >
> > Oh, well, never mind. You won't understand it. Not in 
> > this life at least, maybe in the next.
> Don't count on that. 
> Can you imagine -- given the reactive narcissism 
> with which she defends her illusions about her self
> in this life -- that's she's going to have an easy
> trip through the Bardo, one that would allow her
> the luxury of a higher birth?
> The classic description of the Bardo is that along
> its Way you will encounter every image that you
> have been afraid of or hated or been averse to in
> your current lifetime. Each of them will rise up
> and try to get you to focus on them and do battle
> with them, to preserve your sense of self. The
> more you do, the lower your rebirth. 
> Given what we've seen on Fairfield Life, how do 
> you think she'll fare at this? Just sayin'...

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