--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Robin Carlsen" <maskedzebra@...> wrote:
> I am once again thinking there might be something in this Jesus thing after 
> all.
> I must assume, Curtis, you do not believe that Jesus was God.

I believe he was a community organizer and a hippie.  He might have been met a 
kinder end if his century had some psycho-stabilizing drugs. For me it is a 
tragic tale of grandiose delusions meet the power of the state. The state won.  
That is if we consider any of his story more than a contrived myth collage to 
begin with.   

> Christmas therefore is not the celebration of God's birthday as a newborn 
> infant.

Not for me, I consider it a delightful nostalgia-fest.  

> If I have this right--No need to respond.

I'm not sure what was in doubt.

> You certainly make me think: There's a lot to say for atheism.
> If only Saint Francis of Assisi were here to post a response.

I would only engage him in a discussion of our beloved animals.  I suspect we 
would get along famously once I introduced him to the wonders of modern 

> But he's dead too--along with the Christ guy.
> I didn't expect anything less (writing-wise).
> I like people with fierce and passionate beliefs-as long as they are 
> intelligent.
> So, this makes it for me.
> Thanks, Curtis.

That was nice of you Robin, thanks.

> You got the right perception of the way things are now--but history would 
> refute you--but can't.

Very curious.

> Merry Christmas.

Merry Christmas to you Robin. I hope you are also enjoying all the season's 
nostalgia triggers too. 

> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "curtisdeltablues" <curtisdeltablues@> 
> wrote:
> >
> > 
> > 
> > So you take your fresh ground coffee (preferably dark roast Sumatran) and 
> > you brew it however you do, (I use one of those Bailetti Italian numbers 
> > you see on the stove in every Sofia Loren movie) and then the magic begins. 
> >  Having tasted versions of "Christmas" blends through the years, I always 
> > thought I could do better, but until this morning never took the trouble.  
> > I resisted the temptation to drop in a soft peppermint (tomorrow I'm gunna) 
> > and went right for the high grade dark coco powder, a sprinkle of cinnamon, 
> > sugar, and some ginger and milk.  Christmas blend perfection. I'm sure any 
> > version that includes cloves would be great too.  But it is the overly 
> > strong cloves that I object to in the commercial mixes, aside from the fact 
> > that any pre-ground coffee is a non starter in my kitchen. (Coffee oils are 
> > where God lives, and God evaporates really quickly.) 
> > 
> > Speaking of God in his various human imagined personas, I am sipping my 
> > yuletide brew while gazing on a nativity baby as pump as the churro stuffed 
> > Honduran neighbor's kids who stomp up and down the stairs in their princess 
> > dresses, but sound more like the prince's horse. (Type 2 diabetes coming 
> > right up.) It is the nativity set from my youth rescued from my Dad's 
> > house's attic as we emptied it out.  It has a tiny wind-up music box that 
> > tinkles out Silent Night, but slowed down by decades of mouse droppings no 
> > doubt.  It plays the song absentmindedly now in stops and starts, like an 
> > old man slumped over the piano in the Alzheimers unit who can only manage a 
> > few notes of the melody at a time before his mental ship sails away for a 
> > few moments. 
> > 
> > The song is doubly sentimental for me because as a ploy to get some 
> > Maharishi darshon when he visited MIU my first Winter in '75, I put 
> > together a group to sing him the song in German.  (It is surprisingly not 
> > at all Nazi sounding and is beautiful in that language, check it out: 
> > https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oUb8ySdERKs )  It actually worked to flush 
> > out the old guru, and it was the longest time I had spent standing next to 
> > him at that time.  He kept us waiting for hours till the early morning, but 
> > he was really gracious about it all, despite the fact that he despised 
> > Christianity and looked so tired I thought he was going to fall over.  
> > After we were done he asked for Age of Enlightenment songs.  Emily Levin 
> > banged out one of her saccharine ditties.  Before he went back upstairs 
> > where he was saving the world and all (banging groupies) he took a moment 
> > to look me in the eye.  It was a nice steady benevolent look, not exactly 
> > kind, a bit curious, non committal but prolonged.  For a guy as besotted as 
> > I was for the dhotied one at the time, (or my imagination of him) it was my 
> > Christmas miracle.  I thanked him, and he floated off in a shower of Jai 
> > Guru Devs. 
> > 
> > Back to my nativity.  The figures are some kind of plaster and my Dad 
> > repainted them in garish Homer Simpson style, no doubt accompanied by more 
> > than a bit of Dewar's Scotch, so that the wise men look like members of 
> > George Clinton's Parliament- Funkadelic.  There are oxen and sheep and an 
> > adoring Mary, looking herself a bit sheepish, as Joseph beside her pretends 
> > to believe her whopper of a tale of her divine pregnancy in a desperate bid 
> > to keep his first century Courtney Stodden age-inappropriate hot wife with 
> > him.  "This better be the ONLY divinely conceived baby in this house Miss 
> > Missy!" 
> >  
> > My eyes drift up to my walls with pictures of Santas from 1930's magazines 
> > gaily puffing on cigarettes (damn I wish I was English and could say he was 
> > sucking on a fag) while the copy makes claims of the throat soothing 
> > virtues of Chesterfields.  Throat soothing!  I've got versions of them all 
> > over thanks to Ebay, as if Santa had a walk-on part on Mad Men.
> > 
> > I've got some hand carved camels made of olive wood led by a man on a 
> > donkey who I can only assume is spending another Christmas in Guantanamo 
> > and someone else is now leading these camels laden with the concentrated 
> > sap of the poppy which I guess is the wink, wink, nudge, nudge, translation 
> > for "frankincense and myrrh" 
> >  
> > I loves me some Christmas.  It is an atheist version, but I don't let the 
> > bastard child of a rapist ghost interfere with my nostalgia wallowing.  If 
> > you really listen to Christmas songs they are freak'n maudlin aren't they?  
> > That hits my blues center just fine.  I'm not even a hater of the 
> > materialistic/commercial side of Christmas.  I like being coerced into 
> > buying presents with money I don't have, because otherwise I wouldn't do 
> > it, and gift giving is a blast. (If you prime the pump with specific 
> > requests, the receiving isn't so bad either.) 
> >  
> > The invention of the modern Christmas and many of its most iconic symbols 
> > and traditions was pretty recently laid herky jerky on top of those 
> > wonderful pagan contributions.  (Let's get plastered and bring a tree into 
> > the hut!)  If some people want to believe that the arrival of one fat baby 
> > will give their lives meaning, who really cares?  (Oh yeah, I do when they 
> > put crèches on the public courthouse lawn...) 
> >  
> > So to all my friends at FFL, I hope you play this version of All I Need for 
> > Christmas is You (NOT the sappy Mariah Carey puke version, but the cool 
> > Vince Vance and the Valiants version) 
> > https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I1VkMBi9vvw
> > 
> > Brew yourself a steaming cup of your own version of Christmas coffee, (I'm 
> > pretty sure Santa would pour some brandy, bourbon or scotch in his) and 
> > contemplate that even though the baby Jesus story is just a human 
> > contrivance meant to cover up the indiscretions of an overly hot young Mid 
> > Eastern woman married by the barbaric customs of her day to an old coot 
> > with shriveled olives, take heart. By the time the first crocuses are 
> > poking their noses out of the snow, he will be executed for being the 
> > world's first Occupy Jerusalem hippie. Wait, that wasn't the landing I was 
> > trying to stick…
> >  
> > Share that enhanced coffee with someone you love, turn the song up, and who 
> > knows, you might get as lucky as the Holy Spirit).  Love is my version of 
> > Bethlehem's shining star that makes me get on my camel and ride into that 
> > beautiful silent night.
> >

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