So what?  People are moving forward in their spiritual experience and not 
getting so hung up on little old things now.  Life goes on.  

--- In, "mjackson74" <mjackson74@...> wrote:
> For years I believed that Maharishi was a lifelong celibate because that is 
> what I was taught. I was surprised, really amazed when I first heard a TM 
> teacher say she had heard he was sexually active. I knew her pretty well and 
> she insisted it was true. When I asked her how she knew she told me her 
> sister and brother in law, both TM teachers and Governors had assured her it 
> was true. They had worked on national staff for some years and yet it was not 
> first hand information. They had gotten it from a reliable source who had 
> gotten it from the person who had it through direct experience. 
> Third hand info was not too impressive at the time. I did run the information 
> by another TM teacher who knew both myself and the person who told me and 
> they didn’t believe it, nor could they believe that Susie had come to 
> believe it. 
> So the issue was a non-issue for me until I turned up here on FFL. A brief 
> exchange with Rick made me feel there really might be something to the 
> allegations so I looked further, reading everything I could from and about 
> the women involved which made me about fifty percent convinced it was true. 
> Even though I had come to believe Maharishi was not enlightened, and that he 
> was extremely fond of making promises in exchange for cash, I still could not 
> quite come to believe that he had lied about that very fundamental aspect of 
> his lifestyle. 
> What did convince me were the similar stories from the former skin boys like 
> Mark Landau and Billy Clayton that I came across on the internet, especially 
> the recent BATGAP video interview with Mark Landau.
> Now that got me to thinking why would M preach celibacy to everyone else if 
> he was not practicing it himself. And I came up with a couple conclusions. 
> First, it was not cool in those days to be a guru and be sexually active, or 
> perhaps more to the point it wasn’t cool to be a guru, be sexually active 
> and have people in general know that was the case. M had to maintain the 
> facade that he was celibate to keep people coming to him believing he was a 
> spiritual master.
> Being a spiritual master and fucking just didn’t go together in those days. 
> This became particularly important when he announced he wanted TM teachers to 
> dress and behave conservatively so TM would appeal to the “responsible 
> members of society” meaning older, financially established people who could 
> and would support M financially. If they had known he was dipping the wick 
> they would never have supported him.
> In addition I believe he wanted to cut down on the competition. From the 
> stories his personal secretaries have told, he would often select women from 
> amongst those on teacher training courses or his staff â€" if they were being 
> sexually active, they would be leery of cheating on their spouses or 
> boyfriends and celibacy certainly would lead the ladies to be already horny, 
> thus making it easier for him to get in their pants.

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