--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu <noozguru@...> wrote:
> Let's not be so cerebral about it. If someone actually started eating 
> more than their fair share at a potluck we know people would be 
> outraged. That's my point and how some people seem to have been snowed 
> by the rich to make them think it is okay if they have more than their 
> fair share. 

I can agree with you that there is manipulation and control by some people in 
power.  However, our odds are a lot better here in America than they are in 
most countries, such as about 10-12 in Europe, plus Australia and Canada.  But 
I will also say at the same time that there is a growing apathy and tendency to 
try to solve one's own problems through government decisions rather than 
individual initiative.  

My problem is that I see it both ways:  Government/Big business manipulation 
combined with a mass society that is growing less self sufficient each day.  
You seem to lean heavily in the direction of Government/Big Business, while 
some of the hardcore conservatives on this forum lean heavily towards 
individual weakness.  I see both as a problem.  

> They would most likely agree with higher taxes on the rich.
> Sleepwalkers don't see the problem so easily but current events show 
> that letting people aren't evolved enough to handle that much wealth. 

I can agree with you that people aren't evolved enough for the amount of wealth 
they are capable of amassing.  It matters little though whether we go with 
capatilism, socialism, communism, etc..., our society simply isn't like Europe. 
 We aren't balanced.  People either have just enough initiative to gain a 
favorable advantage and exploit others, or they're too incompetent to solve 
their own problems.  

Socialism only works in Europe because you have people who are willing to wake 
up each day and work, and they don't expect anything extreme in terms of 
extravagance.  We are the exact opposite of that.  We have grown to hate work, 
and we want everything.  Bad combination for a long-lasting nation and economy. 

Our solution isn't in terms of economic policy or government decisions, it is 
in terms of improving our state of mind.  I remember seeing a youtube video of 
Oliver Stone where he claims America has become a 'sick' country.  I think he 
was really getting to the point with that statement.  


> On 12/14/2012 03:49 AM, seekliberation wrote:
> > For me, it depends on how all 12 people pre-determined the splitting up of 
> > the 12 pieces.  For example, lets say hypothetically that 40 hours of labor 
> > are what it take to earn one peice of pie.  5 people do 40 hours worth of 
> > consistent and valuable effort.  4 people work, but not quite 40 hours.  2 
> > people consistently show up late, don't cooperate with co-workers, and 
> > constantly find excuses not to do as much work as the rest.  1 person 
> > doesn't do any work at all.
> >
> > For me, that would change the dividing of the pie quite a bit.
> >
> > I have no problems with socialism or communism, as long as everyone is 
> > contributing and government is honest about the distribution.  But I don't 
> > trust our government, and I have worked long enough to know that not 
> > everyone is going to contribute evenly.
> >
> > It's not just enough to re-distribute assets and money, you have to 
> > re-distribute work too.
> >
> > seekliberation
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu <noozguru@> wrote:
> >> So you go to a TM potluck.  There are 12 people at the potluck including
> >> yourself.  There is a pie cut into 12 equal pieces.  One of the people
> >> is a Raja and decrees that he gets 11 pieces of the pie while the rest
> >> of you have to split one piece.  Now how to you feel about that?
> >>
> >> On 12/13/2012 04:16 PM, Mike Dixon wrote:
> >>> Is it Thou shalt not have Stockholm Syndrome, or is it Thou shalt not 
> >>> covet? I've never resented anyone having something I don't have or having 
> >>> more than I have. If somebody has the drive to amass more stuff, or 
> >>> create more wealth, let them knock themselves out. We all benefit in the 
> >>> long run. I'm just glad Bill Gates did what he did and Al Gore invented 
> >>> the Internet.
> >>>
> >>>    
> >>>
> >>> ________________________________
> >>>    From: Bhairitu <noozguru@>
> >>> To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
> >>> Sent: Thursday, December 13, 2012 9:38 AM
> >>> Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Voter Frustration Over Politicians
> >>>      
> >>>      
> >>>    
> >>> Of course those greedy bastard Republicans don't want the tax cuts to
> >>> expire.  How else are they going to hoard all the wealth of the country
> >>> and make you and me slaves?  Perhaps you should watch this little video
> >>> as it will help you understand how you've gotten Stockholm Syndrome
> >>> being held hostage by Republicans.
> >>> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S6ZsXrzF8Cc
> >>>
> >>> On 12/12/2012 03:42 PM, Mike Dixon wrote:
> >>>> John, the republicans don't want any of the Bush tax cuts to expire. 
> >>>> Raising anybodies taxes now will do more harm than good. That's what 
> >>>> Obama said the last time he signed their  extension.We're headed for 
> >>>> another recession regardless. <Obamacare and all of it's new taxes is 
> >>>> throwing cold water on the economy. Many businesses are refusing to 
> >>>> expand because of the new HC mandates and in many cases are shrinking to 
> >>>> avoid them. Add to that an increase in other taxes Businesses will be 
> >>>> expected to pay and what little growth you see now, will become stagnant 
> >>>> or even recessive. Raising taxes on anybody is only defeating the 
> >>>> purpose of taxation, to raise revenue. It puts the economy in a death 
> >>>> spiral. The only realistic solution is to cut the spending. We keep 
> >>>> maxing-out the credit card and then asking for a higher limit with less 
> >>>> ability to pay it off each time. If taxes go up on the middle class and 
> >>>> poor, I'm sure more will blame republicans because most
> >>>>     people want their cake and be able to eat it to. It's like the Chase 
> >>>> commercial, who doesn't want more money and who doesn't more *free* 
> >>>> things? Everybody wants lower taxes but they also want their freebies 
> >>>> and they want somebody else to pay for them. Now that's greed.
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>> ________________________________
> >>>>     From: John <mailto:jr_esq%40yahoo.com>
> >>>> To: mailto:FairfieldLife%40yahoogroups.com
> >>>> Sent: Wednesday, December 12, 2012 2:00 PM
> >>>> Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Voter Frustration Over Politicians
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>> Mike,
> >>>>
> >>>> If the Republicans let the Bush Tax Cut expire, many voters will be 
> >>>> angry.  I would expect many of the Republicans will be voted out in the 
> >>>> next congressional elections.  Stay tuned.
> >>>>
> >>>> As Bernanke has warned, there is the possibility that the increase in 
> >>>> taxes to the middle class will negatively affect the economy.  There 
> >>>> could very well be another recession.
> >>>>
> >>>> However, the stock market appears to be holding its own during the past 
> >>>> few days' activities.  Maybe the market has already calculated the 
> >>>> effects of the "fiscal cliff" controversy. We'll know the answer for 
> >>>> sure on New Year's day.
> >>>>
> >>>> JR
> >>>>
> >>>> --- In mailto:FairfieldLife%40yahoogroups.com, Mike Dixon <mdixon.6569@> 
> >>>> wrote:
> >>>>> John ,the voters that put Republicans in their seats, put them their to 
> >>>>> hold the line on taxes, not to do El Presidente's bidding. Remember the 
> >>>>> consequences of *read my lips, no new taxes*? Bush made the same 
> >>>>> mistake Reagan made, he believed the Democrats when they begged *if 
> >>>>> you'll only agree to a little more taxes, we'll agree to much less 
> >>>>> spending*. Well ,they agreed to more taxes and the dems NEVER came 
> >>>>> through with their promises of less spending. What's the old saying, 
> >>>>> fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice ,shame on me! If Republicans 
> >>>>> agree to higher taxes, there will be hell to pay from their voters.
> >>>>>
> >>>>>
> >>>>>
> >>>>> ________________________________
> >>>>>     From: John <jr_esq@>
> >>>>> To: mailto:FairfieldLife%40yahoogroups.com
> >>>>> Sent: Tuesday, December 11, 2012 11:47 AM
> >>>>> Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Voter Frustration Over Politicians
> >>>>>
> >>>>> Â
> >>>>>
> >>>>>
> >>>>>
> >>>>> --- In mailto:FairfieldLife%40yahoogroups.com, "raunchydog" 
> >>>>> <raunchydog@> wrote:
> >>>>>> --- In mailto:FairfieldLife%40yahoogroups.com, "John" <jr_esq@> wrote:
> >>>>>>> It should be clear to everyone by now that the Republicans are not 
> >>>>>>> going to approve any higher tax rate for the wealthy.  As such, they 
> >>>>>>> will let the Bush Tax Cut legislation expire.  And, we'll be stuck 
> >>>>>>> with paying higher income taxes beginning on January 1, 2013.
> >>>>>>>
> >>>>>>> http://news.yahoo.com/voter-disdain-spreads-fiscal-cliff-looms-085417763--finance.html
> >>>>>>>
> >>>>>> Yeah. And then, let the Republicans look like fools if they argue 
> >>>>>> *against lowering taxes* for the working class January 3rd. It's the 
> >>>>>> best possible political outcome for Democrats. They get what they want 
> >>>>>> by doing nothing while Republicans shoot themselves in the foot.
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>> http://youtu.be/gMuA8I2M5l0
> >>>>>>
> >>>>> The voters should realize by now that they should vote their Republican 
> >>>>> representatives OUT in the next election.
> >>>>>
> >>>      
> >>>
> >
> >

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