On 12/14/2012 07:31 PM, seekliberation wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu <noozguru@...> wrote:
>> India?  That's where I learned that it was difficult for companies to
>> find people who wanted to work anymore than 2 hours a day.   It's the
>> scale of the economy.  It appears the same thing exists in the Middle
>> East (another thing that pisses off the western establishment).   What
>> if working only 10 hours a week paid all your living expenses and
>> more?   Once again things were a lot more in balance in the 1970s and
>> they are way out of whack today.
> India and the middle east are definitely examples of a life that Americans 
> will ever want to gravitate towards.  I've been to the middle east, and there 
> are entire villages full of children with lip fungus because they have no 
> soap to wash their hands with, and no toilet paper.  If someone is seriously 
> hurt or their house is on fire....sucks to be them, no fire dept, no police, 
> no paramedics.  Education?  Not doing to good there either (perhaps some 
> developed areas in India or okay, if you're from a wealthier family).  They 
> are, however, capable of surviving for a lifetime (for the most part).  I 
> think it's all just a matter of how much convenience you want.  Americans 
> want a hell of a lot, so in turn, we have to work a lot.  However, few people 
> realize the only reason we became the economic power we are is due to all the 
> slavery prior to the industrial revolution.  Take that away, and we'd 
> probably be living just like a 2nd or 3rd world country.
> seekliberation

Try expanding your mind a little more and visualize what the US would be 
like if folks worked less and lead a simpler life.  First off we already 
have the advantage of cheap technology which trumps the problems you 
mention with the middle east.  We have toilet paper.  We have medical 
knowledge and with technology we can give people a lot more medical care 
without having to use expensive doctors so much.  We have police, we 
have fire department we have paramedics.  They even might enjoy a 10 
hour work week too.  Stretch your imagination more.  We only have 40 
hour work weeks because the industrial age tycoons wanted wage slaves.  
And at that it took unions to reduce the hours though hogs wanted and 
keep them from using children too.  Contrary to popular belief, work is 
NOT the purpose of life.

We need a leaner cleaner world not the clutter materialistic one which 
only benefits the few rich who scam the populace by selling them 
needless things.  Celebrate December 22nd the way it was meant to be 
celebrated with global change.  Throw the rich bums out!

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