About a month back I took my Forester to a local repair shop for an oil 
change and checkup.  They needed to replace some left axle stuff which 
required that the wheel be removed.  The Forester has nice alloy wheels 
and to keep them from getting stolen I have a lug on each wheel that 
requires a special key to remove.   Many times after leaving the car at 
a shop I would get a call asking where that key was.  "Where else but in 
the tool kit in the back with the spare", I would reply.  This is not 
something you leave at home.  Usually they would return to the little 
tool pack next to the spare well.  This time they didn't and I didn't 
discover until last Sunday that they had not replaced the key.  So I 
called and asked if they had an orphaned wheel lock key but they 
didn't.  So they have ordered a new set as a replacement.  From now on 
I'll check as soon as I pick up the car after a repair.  Wouldn't want 
to be on the road with a flat and not have that key.

On 12/14/2012 06:26 PM, Emily Reyn wrote:
> Just wanted to say Alex, that I loved your brave little story of changing the 
> jeep tire...my jeep thanks you in advance.  I find the few glimpses one get 
> into others' on the ground, operational aspects of their lives inspirational.
>> ________________________________
>> From: "doctordumb...@rocketmail.com" <doctordumb...@rocketmail.com>
>> To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
>> Sent: Thursday, December 13, 2012 9:13 AM
>> Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Second objective accomplished...for now
>> I am NOT appealing for the rule to be enforced. My Point Is, I think you are 
>> a little prick who enjoys abusing what little power he has, when it suits 
>> him.
>> After your pathetic whine about your flat tire the other day, I quite 
>> frankly don't think you are capable of enforcing anything, including your 
>> digestion.
>> Idiot.
>> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Alex Stanley" 
>> <j_alexander_stanley@...> wrote:
>>> I think Rick's original intent with the anonymity rule was to make FFL a 
>>> place to have open discussions without fear. And, there are people here who 
>>> do post completely anonymously, in the spirit of that intent. I respect 
>>> that. But, taking on an anonymous identity in order to troll is bullshit, 
>>> especially when the person can't even be bothered to keep the anonymous 
>>> identity anonymous. As I've demonstrated in the past, I do enforce the 
>>> anonymity rule for people who use it legitimately. I've also been openly 
>>> critical of people claiming anonymity and appealing for the rule to be 
>>> enforced when they're really not actually anonymous. I've been consistent 
>>> in that stance, and I'm not going to change it.
>>> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, doctordumbass@ <no_reply@> wrote:
>>>> No, no, no Alex. My advice is to keep your head where it belongs. This has 
>>>> long been a forum where anonymity has been respected.
>>>> I don't mind my various identities coming to light. Makes it all the more 
>>>> interesting, don't you think? Quite a good game for us all.
>>>> Though I would caution you, as a forum moderator to be careful about 
>>>> letting your own prejudices determine how you treat others here. Its kind 
>>>> of an ugly thing to witness, wouldn't you agree?
>>>> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Alex Stanley" 
>>>> <j_alexander_stanley@> wrote:
>>>>> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb <no_reply@> wrote:
>>>>>> I've had "private communication" with YOU more often
>>>>>> than I have Curtis since August. The reason, of course,
>>>>>> is that in a moment of "silent mind stupidity,"
>>>>>> shortly after you showed up here with your latest
>>>>>> attempt to hide who you were behind yet another new
>>>>>> screen name, you managed to click the wrong setting
>>>>>> or something and send me a *private email* to my Yahoo
>>>>>> email address, signed by and purporting to come from
>>>>>> "doctordumbass," but clearly having been sent from
>>>>>> your jim_flanegin email address, and bearing that
>>>>>> address in the headers.
>>>>> He posts as Jim Flanegan on The Golden Buddhic Gas Pump of Pure Knowledge 
>>>>> and probably uses the same web browser for all his online activities. My 
>>>>> advice is to use different web browsers for different Yahoo IDs. And, 
>>>>> with large and/or multiple monitors, keeping the browsers parked in 
>>>>> different locations on the desktop further helps to keep the different 
>>>>> IDs separate.

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