Steve.  You've been movin' forward on the humor front of late - some good 
posts.  Thanks for the effort on this - very sweet.  

I've spent some of this evening reading on the Connecticut tragedy.  I simply 
cannot get over that the mother was a gun collector and knew she had a mentally 
ill son.  Not that that would have made a difference - but it certainly made it 
easier than it had to be.  All those kids, all those families, his family, 
Christmas, no way to fix it, no way to make it better, ever.  RIP.  

> From: seventhray27 <>
>Sent: Friday, December 14, 2012 9:33 PM
>Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: "Earnest Confusion" to Steve
>Thanks Share.  I wouldn't have expected to post so much these past few months, 
>but just worked out that way I guess.
>Here's something I came up with the other night when I couldn't sleep.
>Don't mean to offend anyone, (on what's turned out to be a sad day)
> There's been a lot of talk about craft beers here, and the other night, 
>having trouble sleeping I thought about what qualities of a craft bear could 
>be compared to a posting style.  I came up with some side by side 
>comparisons.  And as many posts contain insults, the descriptions should also 
>be viewed as applying to insult styles as well. 
>Ann – A relatively smooth concoction, but goes from sweet to bitter and back 
>again many times in a single pint, usually ending on a mildly bitter note.
>Alex – crisp and light, with emphasis on crisp.
>Share – very smooth, but always with a strong finish.  (a personal favorite of 
>Raunchy – a true artisan, brewing a complex, original beer, with a bitter, yet 
>sweet characteristic throughout.  The labels are her bottles reflect well the 
>flavor within.  Said to be coming out with a new brew called SOTTPS
>Judy – At some point the fermentation process got messed up.  It may be that 
>power got cut to the cooling tanks.  A result is a quite bitter concoction.  
>On the other hand, the ingredient list on the bottle is impeccable, including 
>the bottling date, and origin and date of the harvest of the hops. The beer, 
>in spite of its flaws, retains a strong following.
>Jim –Loves the King of Beers, Budweiser.  I think he just likes the idea of 
>"King" (-:  Recently started brewing in a second venue.  The beer in the 
>previous venue was getting a little stale beer it is said.  Word is that they 
>weren't really drinking much beer, but rather spending a lot of time talking 
>about the attributes of different beers.
>Laughinggull – Is it really beer she is brewing, or just a fizzy, sparkling 
>beverage?  The jury is out on that, but it always tickles the insides. 
>Curtis – An extraordinary brewer.  It seems his concoctions draw outsize 
>attention from beer critics.  He is regularly accused of blasphemy in regards 
>to the higher origins of the product.  And yet his critics have a difficult 
>time making their accusations stick, as he seems to have thought through the 
>origins, development, and final disposition of the product better than most 
>people would expect.
>Nablusoss – The beer he brews is quite bitter.  Occasionally some sweetness 
>may creep in, even if by mistake, but it greatly enhances the drinkability 
>when that happens.
>Irantea – A good honest brew.  Dark and rich in the true Bavarian Tradition.
>Susan – Has what we used to refer to  as 3/2 beer.  Mild, and not much buzz 
>but an alcohol beverage nonetheless.
>Xeno - A decent, but basically non alcoholic brew.  On the other hand, the 
>highly technical brewing process as outlined on the bottle has generated a 
>respectable following.
>Ravi - Waaaay too much fermentation going on with this brew. In fact his brew 
>requires special plastic packaging as the concoction keeps leaking from the 
>bottle. And the beer itself? Rather unique, but once you get used to the 
>pungent aroma from the leaking yeast, it is not that bad. The brew definitely 
>has its adherents, but it is an acquired taste. 
>Barry – A strong masculine beer. So strong in fact that one often gags on it.  
>Men have a little better time with it, but most woman just cannot handle those 
>stout overtones and usually just spit it out.  He is said to be trying to come 
>up with concoction with just a tad more sweetness, but the beer drinking 
>community seems skeptical on this point.
>Robin – A complicated brew.  The final note never seems to end.  Plus, he says 
>it is beer, but much of the time it tastes like malt liquor.  The label 
>doesn't help much in that regard.  The rumor is that he plans to get some 
>brewing tips from monks to help him come up with something which can 
>positively be identified as to what type of beverage it is. 
>Emily- Not so much a beer maker as a wine connoisseur.  But she has a 
>remarkable ability to deconstruct the different influences and notes in a 
>given wine.  Very much an up and comer in this world.
>Edg – His beer appears to have been pulled off the market except for brief 
>appearances.  But it is always an enjoyable potpourri whenever it does 
>appear.  That is, with exception of a certain Texas brew.  Word is that a 
>sample has been sent to the Center of Disease Control and Prevention for 
>further evaluation.
>Merudanda – The concoction is all over the place.  But the label! Oh the label 
>is always divine.  Accolades from the beer swilling community on that one.
>Feste – What can only be described as a "mature" beer.  Respectable in every 
>parameter.  Best enjoyed in a get together of old friends, perhaps before or 
>after a art walk.
>Bill – A technical beer.  Quite dry, but with some good notes. The label often 
>has footnotes on little known facts on the history of beer making.  A 
>dictionary of Hindu and Buddhist terms is really needed to derive maximum 
>enjoyment from this selection.
>Sorry if I forgot anybody.  
>--- In, Share Long <sharelong60@...> wrote:
>> Happy Holidays to you too, Steve, and to your family.  It's been a year 
>> since I've seen them all so I'm looking forward to it.  Three big 
>> gatherings already planned plus more informal get togethers with my 
>> sisters.  Mom and I will mainly hang out and shop, see at least one movie, 
>> play Yahtzee and card games.  Oh yes, and eat (-:
>> BTW, you've really helped make the last 3 months easier than they would have 
>> been without you.  Saying thank you doesn't seem adequate but there it is 
>> anyway.  May all the good you've brought into my life come back to you and 
>> your family multiplied many times.
>> Sorry for being a little mushy.  I put up my tree today.  Maybe that's why!
>> ________________________________
>> From: seventhray27 steve.sundur@...
>> To: 
>> Sent: Friday, December 14, 2012 10:52 AM
>> Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: "Earnest Confusion" to Steve
>> All I can say Share, is that something is working for you. People love to 
>> ridicule what they like to refer to as "woo woo", but I see you swimming 
>> gracefully with both with the dolphins and the sharks here. 
>> I hope your upcoming trip to the DC area to see your Mom and other family 
>> members is an enjoyable one.
>> (47) 
>> --- In, Share Long sharelong60@ wrote:
>> >
>> > Hi Steve, this is a general comment.  I wish EVERY FFL poster more 
>> > peace and or happiness and or well being from whatever they post here.  
>> > And from whatever they do in their lives away from FFL.  And this wish 
>> > benefits me too so I'm sticking to it as best I can.  Probably my 
>> > actions won't always be in 100% alignment with it.  But that's what I'm 
>> > aiming for.    
>> > 
>> > 
>> > 
>> > ________________________________
>> > From: seventhray27 steve.sundur@
>> > To: 
>> > Sent: Friday, December 14, 2012 7:00 AM
>> > Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: "Earnest Confusion" to Nablusoss
>> > 
>> > 
>> >   
>> > 
>> > --- In, awoelflebater <no_reply@> wrote:
>> >  
>> > > Isn't it fun to be both judge and jury Steve? In a world of make believe 
>> > > you can be anyone you want to be. You can create the story as you see 
>> > > fit, you can live out all your fantasies and work through your scenarios 
>> > > of revenge. How great is that? (Plus how can anyone "own up to" anything 
>> > > when they can't post?)
>> > 
>> > Ann,
>> > Is it possible that you meant to address this post to Judy.  I mean I 
>> > think it makes a lot more sense if you did.
>> > And Ann, bless your heart.  Asking Judy to own up to something? If you 
>> > advertised that, you could charge for admission and probably garner 
>> > some enormous receipts. 
>> >

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