--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "card" <cardemaister@...> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend" <authfriend@> wrote:
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb <no_reply@> wrote:
> > >
> > > I've got nothing much more to say on this topic,
> > > but am replying to it anyway to point out the
> > > contrast between what I wrote (below) and the
> > > angry, panicked, out-of-control, gotta-get-
> > > Barry reaction to it by DocDumbass, Judy, 
> > > Ann, and Ravi. 
> > > 
> > > Pretty interesting, wouldn't you say?  :-)
> > 
> > No. Or not the way you'd like to think.
> > 
> > No panic, nothing out-of-control. That's your
> > fantasy, and also an example of what we've been
> > talking about.
> > 
> > The contrast is between what you wrote below
> > and the sick, twisted, dishonest, sadistic crap
> > you usually write, the gotta-get-Judy/Ann/Ravi/
> > DrD/Robin/whoever hysterical tirades that are
> > your stock in trade, the smarmy "I'm just 
> > pushing buttons" garbage, the faux-Tantra
> > nonsense, the utter lack of even the faintest
> > wisp of self-knowledge.
> > 
> > You can dish it out, but you can't take it,
> > never have been able to take it, not since I've
> > known you. You think you're entitled to 
> > gratuitously shit on anybody you feel like
> > shitting on without ever having to take
> > responsibility for it. You're a coward and a
> > bully and a cheat and a phony and just generally
> > a disgrace as a human being.
> > 
> > One pretty little word picture and photo does
> > not erase all that ugliness we're forced to
> > endure from you. If you feel put-upon because
> > you're getting reamed out for your toxic rubbish
> > instead of getting strokes for your "creative"
> > effort, tough. Live with it. We don't like having
> > to live with you either.
> >  
> Judy, I must say I just can't understand why and how
> anybody would be forced to read what Barry, or anyone
> else, for that matter, writes... :o

Yeah, I don't think I said anything about anybody being
forced to read what anyone writes, did I?

I believe the phrases I used were "forced to endure" and
"live with." It's hard to ignore as prolific a poster as
Barry. Even if one doesn't read his original posts, 
chances are they'll be quoted and commented on.

Plus which, card, you aren't one of his "enemies." If you
were, you might find you would want to at least scan his
posts to see what lies he'd told about you, because he
tells whoppers, and not everyone here is smart enough to
know when he's lying.

But Ann put it best: We're all swimming in this pool, and
with Barry constantly peeing in it, you really can't avoid
getting some of it on you, even if you close your eyes.

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