Judy, this is so compassionate and real at the same time.  I spent yesterday 
with my sister, who has a sick goat bedded in the house.  The goat has to be 
fed a special mixture of alfalfa pellets, soaked in water and heated on the 
stove with yoghurt and medicine and carefully administered with a syringe, but 
the vet told her the goat is dying.  Poor little goatie - she is so sweet but 
can't get up and likely won't recover. Sis didn't have the heart to put it down 
yesterday but I think I will send her this to help her.    

> From: authfriend <authfri...@yahoo.com>
>To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
>Sent: Saturday, December 22, 2012 10:40 AM
>Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Christmas
>Michael, you *absolutely* did the right thing, as painful as
>it was for you. Humans can live meaningful, fulfilling lives
>even if the *quality* of their lives is circumscribed by
>illlness, because they have virtually infinite mental and
>spiritual resources to draw on.
>For animals, quality of life is much more important because
>their other resources are limited, at least comparatively
>speaking. It is not kind to an animal to prolong its life
>if the quality is seriously diminished. We tend to want to
>do that for ourselves because we love the animal and don't
>want to lose it, but it's a greater act of love to be
>willing to let the animal go.
>--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Michael Jackson <mjackson74@...> wrote:
>> I have to admit reading your experience made me cry again. I felt like a 
>> traitor for not being willing to do anything and everything possible to keep 
>> her alive. I even have a holistic vet friend who was willing to guide me 
>> with regards to diet, herbs and treatment (she lives in Spokane and was 
>> Shakti's vet years ago when she lived in SC)
>> The night before I was up about half the night, and as I sat with her, I 
>> could tell or at least I felt she was already not fully in her body - the 
>> other thing was for me to choose to keep her alive I would have had to move 
>> her to my new place and she would have had to become an indoor cat after 
>> nearly 18 years of traipsing around in the woods outside my old house - I 
>> just didn't want to put her through the stress of a new strange environment 
>> and then have to put her to sleep in that strange environment - the vet I 
>> took her to said she might have a year, or she might go down hill in 2-3 
>> weeks. (it was kidney failure - we completely missed what few symptoms were 
>> there - mainly drinking way more water than she usually did - in fact that 
>> was the only symptom for about 3 months and I was stupid enough to be happy 
>> that she was being well hydrated)
>> I just wanted her to go in the same place she had lived and known for all 
>> those years - it was still a very strange thing to place her on the table 
>> after they had give the tranquilizer and step back so the vet and her 
>> assistant could administer the euthanasia drug.
>> She survived all those years, lost an eye to our other cat when she was 
>> about 4, got bitten by a copperhead once, escaped a fox that chased her 
>> right up the cat ladder that led to her cat door in the window, brought 
>> innumerable live mice into the house and let them loose, plus the 2 flying 
>> squirrels she let loose in my bedroom - she even caught a bat one night - 
>> that really freaked me out - I didn't know it was possible for a cat to 
>> catch a bat.
>> Once my roommate had planted some small bushes that died mysteriously until 
>> she pulled on one and it came straight up in her hand - from having been 
>> bitten half into by a mole - she was so mad - she looked around at Shakti 
>> and said "Why don't you go kill those moles?"
>> Less than 5 minutes later Shakti came up with the muffled maowing that 
>> denoted a kill and damned if she didn't have a mole in her mouth.
>> So thank you Curtis and everyone for your condolences - I really appreciate 
>> it more than I can say. 
>> ________________________________
>>  From: curtisdeltablues <curtisdeltablues@...>
>> To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
>> Sent: Saturday, December 22, 2012 10:27 AM
>> Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Christmas
>> I feel for you.  I was in your shoes for my 18 YO Abyssinian two years ago 
>> around this time of year.  I'm glad you were able to make this final act of 
>> kindness, and I know it is hard.
>> I was preparing my guitar case for a show last month.  I found a few 
>> distinctively ticked brown hairs in it and it brought instant tears.
>> Ginger used to love to lie in the soft interior of my guitar cases, even 
>> though I would constantly chase her out because the top could fall on her.  
>> When I would catch her, usually as I was packing for a show, she would raise 
>> up her tiny head, defiant.  My preliminary scolding hiss would only make her 
>> hunker down deeper into the plush.
>> "Make me", her steady eyes conveyed.
>> Once again I would reach in and scoop her up placing her on her much 
>> plusher, but not forbidden so less interesting, bed.  She would stretch, 
>> give me one last withering gaze, and settle into a nap, triumphant in 
>> getting me to react, which was the whole point of the exercise.
>> All the best for your own healing heart. 
>> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Michael Jackson <mjackson74@> wrote:
>> >
>> > Yeah too many posts last week and I had to have my 18 year old cat put to 
>> > sleep - I was very attached to her - so I been kinda quiet since then
>> > 
>> > 
>> > 
>> > 
>> > ________________________________
>> >  From: authfriend <authfriend@>
>> > To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
>> > Sent: Friday, December 21, 2012 8:59 PM
>> > Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Christmas
>> > 
>> > 
>> >   
>> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "mjackson74" <mjackson74@> wrote:
>> > >
>> > > Hope everyone has a very fine holiday(s) and the New Year brings
>> > > goodness and contentment to everyone.
>> > 
>> > Thanks, Michael, and to you as well. Missed you this past week!
>> >

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