>From my point of view, if the so called yogic flying was a effective as 
>claimed, you would see the greatest effect at the epicenter, meaning closest 
>to the flying group - this should mean over the years extraordinary results in 
>Fairfield and Jefferson County or even all of Iowa - but it hasn't EVER 
>happened. The TMO says that it has effects all over America but things stay 
>the same in the local area? TMO has consistently said "Ah, we had a great 
>effect cause we said we had a great effect, believe us when we say we have a 
>great effect and keep sending money so we can continue to have the grand 
>effect that we say we are having."

There is another post here on FFL talking about the grand effect of the MExican 
group that refers to how well the government organized the event, how they 
brought the buses in on time - WTF!! If the Mexican government organized the 
event, why did the TMO ask for donations to pay for having everyone bused???

With or without a tinfoil hat, I can see these guys are wanting to continue to 
ride the gravy train - I look forward to the day that Tony, Bevan and all the 
rest are exposed for the frauds they are, the TMO folds, Marshys nevvies in 
India raid all the Movements assets leaving the TMO in ashes and Bevan and the 
boys have to make a living for themselves washing dishes or some other menial 
labor job, worrying how to pay the rent and utilities like the rest of us 
instead of living off the fat of the land in a global ashram paid for by others.

 From: "doctordumb...@rocketmail.com" <doctordumb...@rocketmail.com>
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Tuesday, December 25, 2012 2:43 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Can anyone independently validate the claim of 
8,000 Mayan YFers?

Merry Christmas, MJ! ...wait, lemme secure "the hat au foil de tin", prior to 
responding with substance...ok, set:

Yeah, it is tough to prove a negative. On the background of an always difficult 
world, how do you show evidence that something even worse didn't happen? As the 
French would say, impossible. lol

Over the last 60 years, there has been a lot of progress and a lot of conflict. 
Who to assign praise/blame to? I like the overall trend that more people are 
empowered to do what they want to, globally, even though it results these days 
in some terrific violence. 

Along with the potential for chaos, though, pervasive local, national, and 
global, communication, is also making it difficult to maintain the obsolete 
power structures of the past - e.g. the last US election secured, because of a 
YouTube video revealing the true nature of the loser. And secrets of any kind 
have become impossible to keep (WikiLeaks). How porous everything has become.

Is it the much vaunted Age of Enlightenment? Pretty obviously not, though now 
that things are breaking loose, in flux and in motion, we have half a chance in 
hell of getting there. :-)

ok, hat back on wig stand...

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Michael Jackson <mjackson74@...> wrote:
> I cannot dispute the numbers of flyers in India or Mexico cuz I am not there 
> - I wish with all my heart the things you say would have been or even would 
> be true, but the state of the world as it is is proof enough for me that the 
> effect of both group practice of TM and the "yogic flying" has been an utter 
> failure, not because of lack of numbers but simply because the stated effects 
> just aren't there - nearly 60 years is more than enough time for proof to 
> surface - it is all still just a promise of futures and I wouldn't buy them 
> from the TMO anymore than I would Bernie Madoff - but it woulda been nice if 
> it hadda been true
> ________________________________
>  From: "srijau@..." <srijau@...>
> To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
> Sent: Tuesday, December 25, 2012 8:53 AM
> Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Can anyone independently validate the claim of 
> 8,000 Mayan YFers?
> There are more than tens of thousands of students and pundits in India and 
> you will have no problem with the independent confirmation of that, indeed 
> the problems of the largest private educator in India and the legal disputes 
> over the land assets for future Pundit campuses have been raised in 
> Parliament; as well the extraordinary successes are everyday in the Indian 
> press for all to see as Maharishi Vidya Mandir students are constantly in or 
> at the top of educational competitions all the time. Yes there was some money 
> 'wasted" by Maharishi's way of dealing with the corruption of the permit 
> authorities in India by presenting them with a fait accompli instead of going 
> along with institutionalized bribery, but all kinds of financial safeguards 
> including detailed reporting and close donor supervision of expenditure have 
> been put in place now.
> The cost of buses meant that there could not be many Yogic Flyers to Monte 
> Alban and indeed it is unlikely one could even rent that many buses on short 
> notice. If there was not this many Tm-Sidhas students now in southern Mexico 
> then the GCWP would be risking their credibility in terms of the Maharishi 
> effect which is now claimed for central and south America. If crime, does not 
> continue to fall quickly and other aspects of society not improve as well you 
> would have every reason to doubt not the number of Yogic Flyers in education, 
> military and industry but the Maharishi Effect itself. The proof is in the 
> pudding and many outside the movement are already starting to comment that 
> the pudding is tasting very sweet, satvic, blissful, peaceful, Heaven on 
> Earth for all, the best Christmas and New Years gift ever, this time in 
> perpetuity.
> Jai Guru Dev.
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb <no_reply@> wrote:
> >
> > I finally found an article on this with photos, and they
> > do nothing to eradicate my doubts about the veracity of
> > the TM movement. 
> > 
> > Has no one forgotten all of the claims of tens of thousands
> > of pundits or students in Maharishi Schools in India, only
> > to have people travel to the supposed locations and find
> > them empty and deserted, with no people there and no 
> > construction going on?
> > 
> > That was my first thought when people started to bandy 
> > about the claim of "8,000" students taught the TMSP in
> > Oaxaca. I said to myself, "I'll believe it when I see the
> > photographs and can run them through crowd-estimation
> > software."
> > 
> > Well, this article has photos. As far as I can tell, the
> > largest number of people in *any* of them is in the last
> > photo on the page, an estimated 300 people max. So where
> > are the other 7,700? 
> > 
> > http://www.mangalorean.com/news.php?newstype=broadcast&broadcastid=366529
> >


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