Yeah, the TMO's attitude towards any form of work was rather odd.  There was a 
predominant attitude that those who worked, especially any form of manual 
labor, were just plain ignorant/lowlife people.

It also reminds me of a contract the TMO signed with a construction company in 
NC when the TMO was moving to Heavenly Mountain.  They signed a contract that 
stated a deadline for the construction project to be complete.  For every day 
after that deadline, the company would have to pay $500 per day until the 
project was complete.  This would ensure timeliness of the project.

Now to me, this is a complete denial of logic of the TMO and most of its 
members.  I remember during classes at MIU/MUM that most of the teachers and 
damn near every student would demonize modern materialism and all the impulses 
that lead us to work hard.  They would especially demonize putting pressure or 
stress on people in order to be productive, that was simply EVIL with a capital 
'E'.  But then the TMO turns right around and signs a contract that puts other 
people (non-meditators) in a position where they HAVE to work much harder and 
put pressure on themselves in order to complete a project on time.

So I think your description of HoE is pretty accurate.  We would have to round 
up all the non-meditators and make them do all the Evil and ignorant activities 
that are beneath the holiness (but required to support them) of the TMO and all 
the meditators & siddhas.  


--- In, turquoiseb <no_reply@...> wrote:
> The important thing is that ALL of it would be achieved without ever
> having to resort to that horrible thing that lesser-evolved souls have
> to rely on to achieve their dreams, W...W...W....WORK. Can't have that.
> TMers (being so special and all) should just be able to sit (or bounce)
> on their fat butts and have it all Just Happen, because...uh...they're
> so special and all. That W-word is for losers; they should just be able
> to think HOE into existence.

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