This post shows the elitism that Maha started and that easily took hold on the 
Fourth Reich mentality all of us have to some degree - in this case that if one 
is not one of the chosen ones, the TM TB'ers then one is nothing and has 
nothing of value to contribute. Of course Edg and Turq have covered this but I 
wanted to give my Never Again TM Self the opportunity to speak.

 From: Buck <>
Sent: Thursday, January 3, 2013 8:30 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Apostate Meditators


--- In,  wrote:
> Damned apostate meditators.
> Well, I must admit here in considering this that being practical as an 
> experienced and an old practiced meditator on FFL I find myself sorting by 
> apostasy and deleting through posts for merit to read by whether the writers 
> are meditators or not meditators at all, whether being disciplined practicing 
> meditators or not, being just critical meditators or apostate and 
> non-meditators.  It saves a lot of precious time spiritually. 
> For after all what spiritually speaking could non-meditators or even apostate 
> meditators who quit along the way possibly have to say anyway..  Sorting 
> Apostasy and meditators does work on a level.  You know, there are meditators 
> and TM-movement meditators and then others.   Meditators after all are either 
> for it or against it as apostates.   As a conservative meditator I'd just 
> assume delete the fallen away meditator-apostates as non-meditators.  That 
> works.  Damned apostate meditators anyway.  Plainly, I don't understand why 
> non-meditators even get to be members here let alone post here.  Let 'em be 
> lurkers but posting members, no.   Frankly this list here could be 
> spiritually improved quite a lot if Rick would tighten up and clean-up the 
> membership towards people who are at least actually meditation practitioners. 
>  Hasten the day. 
> -Buck in the Dome


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