There is a really interesting article generally about deploying 'public opinion 
shapers' on the internet.  I never realized this could happen on the internet.  
"The tactic is similar to China's model of internet moderators who aim to 
control news and manipulate opinion." Alex?

--- In, "luvgemlight"  wrote:
> Having received regular Maharishi Light Therapy with Gem treatments here in 
> southern california ( ) either twice or four 
> times each month since my first treatment last march in 2012, I can safely 
> say that, yes, it is a powerful treatment modality for improving 
> consciousness and creativity, and the "light beamers" are laser penlights -- 
> thus, the light passing through these gems is very coherent (unlike ambient 
> lighting from any other source). I've had a ritam experience, one time, plus 
> some kundalini awakening later on after that particular treatment. Also, I'm 
> the last person to notice that I'm transcending during the treatments. I 
> usually have to infer this from the fact that my experience of myself is so 
> naturally transparent that I don't realize that this transparency is truly my 
> Self. These gemlight treatments are very empowering to the mind, so that care 
> and consideration given to one's thoughts, speech, and action is a very good 
> idea since they can materialize.
> --- In, bob_brigante  wrote:
> >
> > On tonight's (MON Feb 2nd) Global Family Chat on the Maharishi 
> > Channel, they talked about the new light/gem therapy in Maharishi 
> > Ayurveda (the first line of Rig Veda says that agni/fire is the 
> > source of gems, gems are described in the Vedas as the "Radiance of 
> > God" -- Charaka Samhita says gems are second in treatment value only 
> > to mantras, and gems are ahead of herbal treatments). They use some 
> > sort of light (frequency depends on the gem involved, amethyst, 
> > emerald, etc -- seven types of gems used all told) in a flashlight-
> > type device which shines light through 12 gems set in gold. The light 
> > is flashed on the palm of the hand (some of the photos in newspaper 
> > articles show people getting the light beam on the forehead even 
> > though the Raj people only talked about palm application), and people 
> > are reporting good experiences (some expansion of consciousness, 
> > healing of injured area, etc) in the 300 treatments at the Raj to 
> > date. The light is supposed to act on the "light body" of the 
> > recipient, and although there are side effects like healing, it's 
> > basically designed to remove obstacles to enlightenment values more 
> > than just wearing gems, with the goal of letting celestial light fill 
> > the body. In Switzerland all the HMOs pay for this therapy up to 80% 
> > of the cost of treatment. Ayurveda recipes including powdered gems 
> > are legal in Germany, but not yet legal in the USA.
> > 
> > "There is no inside or outside. The same light inside, the same light 
> > outside."
> >

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