Ever heard of *interest on the debt*?

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "raunchydog"  wrote:
> "If you fix the jobs problem you fix the deficit problem. The reverse is not 
> true. If you "fix" the deficit you kill jobs." 
> http://www.eschatonblog.com/2013/01/f-deficit.html
> Obama got elected because Romney didn't care if people ate grass by the side 
> of the road. It was the GOP's decision to focus on reducing the deficit, as 
> opposed to fixing unemployment. Republicans only care about the debt when a 
> Democrat is in power and then they use it as an excuse to cut the social 
> safety net. When Dubya was in office he cut taxes for the rich and spent 
> billions on a bloody war in Iraq.  Republicans didn't care about the debt 
> during Dubya's presidency. Or Poppy's. Or Reagan's. And it was always pretty 
> clear that Romney didn't care about the deficit except insofar as he could 
> use it as an excuse to destroy entitlements.
> Krugman: Campaign against this austerity obsession...when somebody says, 
> `Well, we need to slash here, we need to slash there.' That's actually going 
> to hurt the economy...This is the same kind of animal that we confronted in 
> the '30s. This is depression economics. And the nature of the solution is not 
> really very different now from what it was then...Depression economics is 
> when the normal things you do to boost the economy, have the Federal Reserve 
> cut interest rates a little bit, are no longer available or effective. It's a 
> situation where the normal rules of what you– of economic policy, have to be 
> put on hold, and you really need to do extraordinary stuff." 
> http://billmoyers.com/segment/paul-krugman-on-recessions-and-recovery/
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Richard J. Williams"  wrote:
> >
> > 
> > 
> > wgm4u:
> > > When are you folks going to wake up, this president 
> > > is out of control! He's going to crash the economy!! 
> > >
> > We are screwed for at least the next four years.
> > 
> > It would take at least ten years for the U.S.
> > economy to improve substantially if we voted
> > the Dems out of office in the next election. 
> > 
> > Obama is going to spend your money and redistribute 
> > it; then he is going after your guns; Hagel will 
> > disarm the U.S. military. Brennan will 'waterboard'
> > some and others will  be sent to Gitmo. 
> > 
> > > How much more debt can we take?
> > >
> > Some Americans are already on Obama's target list 
> > to be killed by drones. Extrajudicial killings,
> > including children, will be the norm soon. 
> > 
> > 'Anwar al-Awlaki's Son, Killed By Drone Strike'
> > http://tinyurl.com/9yoml6q
> > 
> > "You bourgeoisie tremble! You are screwed!"
> > 
> > 'New Russian nuclear submarine enters service'
> > http://tinyurl.com/bczr2yc
> >

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