I wish I would have read this post first, before I posted my latest comment to 

You said it all the more better! 
I ditto your sentiments. 

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "salyavin808"  wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusoss1008  wrote:
> >
> > 
> > 
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "salyavin808"  wrote:
> > 
> > This was also when Marshy tripled the price after telling
> > > teachers we need to teach as many as we can to change the world.
> > 
> > 
> > Maharishi (yes, that's his name) never said that. It occurs to me through 
> > your numerous posts that you are very ill informed and base much of what 
> > you post here on rumours.
> > That fact is that Maharishi alreay in 1980 said "now the world need no more 
> > meditators"
> Oh Nabby, if only you weren't so utterly bonkers we could have a
> serious discussion. Thing is the TMO is *always* after teaching
> more people, what happens in your head when you hear something
> that contradicts what you already believe? Does it go into shut-
> down or screensaver mode with crazy music and flashing lights that stops the 
> unwanted reality from penetrating?
> Ask Buck, they always want more in the domes and they are always training new 
> teachers, what do you think David Lynch is trying to achieve?
> Jesus, if I had a penny for every time Marshy contradicted himself
> I could be a raja twice over. At least. Didn't you ever notice it,
> why are you so asleep?
> > 
> > But ofcourse, inspired by you mentor here, the Turq, the probability is 
> > that you will repeat this lie here again and again in the hope that in the 
> > end some outsiders will believe it to be true, a technique Vaj and the Turq 
> > learned from Goebbels and have tried here on FFL for many years without any 
> > success.
> Goebbels! LOL!

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