--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Mike Dixon  wrote:
> Yeah, he's still a holy man, just not as holy as most of us thought. The 
> Bible tells us that all men fall short of the Glory of God. That means that 
> all men have and will sin. Maharishi was a man, not God. The Bible also 
> speaks of angels coming to earth and having sex with women. Veda Vyasa had 
> sex with an unmarried woman in a boat while crossing a river, thus we have 
> Shukadeva.

Who is the ultimate Brahmachari, walking around naked, not having any sense of 

> Maharishi belongs on a pedestal, just not as high as we might have thought. 
> My thoughts are that M was a very high soul on a mission and upon taking 
> birth as a man, he did things men do.

My opinion too. I put him on a high pedestal for what he did and accomplished. 
In other areas he is just like a human being. And I credit him for inspiring me 
(and so many others) to live brahmacharya, and create an environment where this 
was easy.

Well said, Mike.
> ________________________________
>  From: Michael Jackson 
> To: "FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com"  
> Sent: Sunday, February 3, 2013 12:58 PM
> Subject: [FairfieldLife] Serious Question
> OK, serious question here to all those who have defended Maharishi as a saint 
> and true holy man. 
> How do you account for the stories that several of his former skin boys have 
> told about his sexual escapades? Mark Landau, Billy Clayton, Nedd Wynn and 
> others have told stories that are very similar as to what who and when.
> Do you think they are all lying and if so why? Or do you honestly think it is 
> alright for a true holy man who always said he was a lifelong celibate to 
> have sex repeatedly and lie about having done so?

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