Thank you, Doc for what you say here which helps me find my own words about 
this topic.  Thanks also to Mike and novashok.  I'd add that I don't put the 
celibate way of life on a pedestal when it seems like the person is straining 
for spiritual goals to be something they are not.  I more admire people settled 
in their own nature.  My aspirations to celibacy have never lasted long and I'm 
grateful for that.  And I've had some sexual experiences that were celestial.  
So there's not been much of a split between the sacred and the corporeal for 
me.  Again, I'm grateful.

Thinking about all this I realize that I never thought of Maharishi as a monk.  
Having grown up Catholic, to me monk meant someone who lived behind monastery 
walls praying and working all day long.  So someone active in the world as 
Maharishi was, did not fit my idea of a monk anyway.  And as a woman, I was 
sometimes aware of his sexual power.  I guess that's what is called shakti.  
And I never heard him talk about sex though there were stories of Charlie Lutes 
talking about its being a drain on energy.  Consequently I never felt lied to 
about all that.

I'm very glad that Rajaram is a householder.  It makes the TMO more human 
somehow, more of the world with all its joys and sorrows, more connected to 
life with all its light and dark.

 From: "" <>
Sent: Monday, February 4, 2013 12:54 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Serious Question

Sure, it is fine with me, MJ. Given the range of human action we are each 
capable of, having sex with consenting adults is fine, regardless if he lied 
about it, or not. He owed me nothing regarding how he lived his life. I was 
simply interested in his knowledge and techniques and consider him a Maharishi 
in that regard. He never set himself up as anyone's personal Guru, and I did 
not ever see him that way, so it is a non-issue for me. 

Just because I followed his knowledge for many, many years, and continue to, I 
see him as a Divine resource, much more than some guy, who's life I am going to 
pour over, looking for inconsistencies. I am just not all that interested in 
his life. It was his, and continues to be, and I've got my own, anyway. 

I found one of the easiest ways to make myself depressed is to concern myself 
with things I cannot change, or that are none of my business. 

--- In, Michael Jackson  wrote:
> OK, serious question here to all those who have defended Maharishi as a saint 
> and true holy man. 
> How do you account for the stories that several of his former skin boys have 
> told about his sexual escapades? Mark Landau, Billy Clayton, Nedd Wynn and 
> others have told stories that are very similar as to what who and when.
> Do you think they are all lying and if so why? Or do you honestly think it is 
> alright for a true holy man who always said he was a lifelong celibate to 
> have sex repeatedly and lie about having done so?


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