Michael Jackson:
> ...it seems that those who have talked about 
> it (the women and the skin boys) have come 
> forth with some amount of detail
Not really. Not a single skin-boy actually 
saw MMY having sexual relations with anyone. 

Judith in her book doesn't give any details. 
>From what I've read, MMY could have been 
getting a foot rub that became sexual to 
Judith! Go figure.

You make a very weak defense, Michael, of 
your guru, the Maharishi, not to mention 
trying to get off on someone ele's sex act. 


Apparently your program now is about the 
size of an ant hill in my back yard - it 
makes my messages to FFL in defense of Marshy 
look like great big mountain. Apparently 
Mike and I are the only defenders of Maharishi 
Mahesh Yogi on this entire list. 

Go figure.

Well, I for one will not be ignored!

It has NOT been established that MMY had sexual 
relations with anyone. You would think that at 
least one informant would be able to provide 
evidence if this were true. Without some 
evidence, or an believable eyewitness report, 
I'm just not buying it. There's nothing like 
the *cross-examine*, and MMY is dead. 

Get over it!

It just doesn't make any sense. 

So, let's review:

Are we to believe that Judith walked over to 
Marshy's house, in the dead of night, climbed 
in through the bedroom window, and had sexual 
relations with MMY on his bear skin rug under 
a painting of Guru Dev. With Nanda Kishore 
trying to sleep in the living room, and Ms 
Pittman posted at the front door?

This is just outrageous!

According to Nancy, you could hear a pin drop 
on a warm night up there on the hill in 
Rishikesh, India.

Are you thinking that Judith could get within 
ten feet of the Maharishi without anyone in the 
whole ashram knowing about it? Secretly sneak 
over to MMY's house, with a flashlight to what, 
give MMY a sexy back rub and read the mail? 

A gal the size of Judith could kill a midget 
guru like MMY!


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